A caminho de África

A caminho de África

A journey of overcoming personal, emotional and physical.

  • 2106


    105% of 2 000€

    62 backers

  • 28/02/2018

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

A journey of overcoming personal, emotional and physical.


solidarity and passion for people, are the main engine of this journey.

Contrast. Maybe this is the word that best describes. Puts us in perspective by contrast. The black and white, the clean and dirty, the abundance and scarcity, the indifference and closeness. The target countries of the action of volunteering are preferably Portuguese-speaking African Countries (PALOP), by the ease of communication and the support of Portuguese companies.

About the author

A team committed to extend a hand of solidarity to those in need, without losing sight of the thrill of a great adventure. Visit the various patterns of Portuguese discoveries that exist on the African continent to disclose the nation Portugal and make exchanges between different cultures.

Budget and due dates

When will be the adventure? The second step will occurs in January 2018 and will be held between Benin-Luanda-Jonesburgo and Maputo with return again to Luanda. Yet in 2018 it is expected that the implementation of the 3rd step between Luanda and Lisbon. The forecast will be to reach Luanda in February, where we expect backpacks and manuals for distribution kindly disposed by the Giga Cafes.

  • Invest with
    5€ or more


    A sticker to help in the dissemination of the project

    33 backers

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    thanks in the end of the movie.

    where you can read your name and point it hysterical and proudly to your friends who did not want to contribute. It is also known that, as a technique of hitch, have the generic name at the end of films is something that prints sex appeal to a personality. All this for 10€ ? Good business !

    17 backers

  • Invest with
    15€ or more

    discount of 40%

    40% discount on photo printing 10x15 and 15x20 photo sessions in the studio: families, babies, product, pregnancy, www.gabrielsarabando.com

    21 backers

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    A book

    A book will be published and sent to you after this adventure.

    18 backers

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    Company logo on the project website

    Support with 100€ or more and get your company logo on the project website

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    200€ or more

    Company logo on the 4x4 car

    Support with 200€ and get the logo as a form of advertising in the 4x4 car

    1 backer

Fri, 26/04/2024 - 15:33

Wed, 22/04/2020 - 11:56

Boa tarde,

Boa tarde, Espero encontrar-vos bem. Escrevo para vos agradecer por terem tornado possível um sonho de um projecto que demorou vários meses a ser planeado. Na impossibilida...

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Fri, 02/03/2018 - 10:28

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Wed, 17/01/2018 - 15:27

40% do objetivo graças a VOCÊS!

Estamos a um mês para o final da campanha e chegámos agora aos 40% do objetivo pedido! As recompensas só vão ser entregues se chegarmos ao valor pedido. Partilhem com os vossos ...

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Campaign launched


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  • Gabriel Sarabando

    Boa tarde,

    Boa tarde,

    Espero encontrar-vos bem.
    Escrevo para vos agradecer por terem tornado possível um sonho de um projecto que demorou vários meses a ser planeado.
    Na impossibilidade depois de várias tentativas de reunir a equipa e juntar todo o material para o livro, até hoje não foi possível ainda.
    Portanto decidi, uma vez que já tenho o meu livro lançado, oferecer a todos os que fizeram donativo de 30 euros ou superior.
    Basta para isso dirigirem-se a nossa loja em Vagos e levantar o livro.
    Alguma dúvida podem contactar-me diretamente
    Obrigado !
    Gabriel Sarabando

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  • Gabriel Sarabando

    40% do objetivo graças a VOCÊS!

    Estamos a um mês para o final da campanha e chegámos agora aos 40% do objetivo pedido! As recompensas só vão ser entregues se chegarmos ao valor pedido. Partilhem com os vossos amigos e família: basta 1€ para ajudar. Obrigado pelo vosso apoio!

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62 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 51
    new backers

  • 11
    recurrent backers

  • 16
    anonymous backers

Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Anonymous

    27/02/2018 - 20:47

    Boa sorte Gabriel e equipa! Espero que tudo corra bem e que sejas muito feliz durante toda esta aventura! Beijinhos

  • Gabriel Sarabando

    22/02/2018 - 16:08

    Paulo PAMA

  • Magda G

    15/02/2018 - 11:20

  • Leonor Cardoso

    10/02/2018 - 12:08

  • Álvaro Emanuel Martins Martinez

    08/02/2018 - 16:52


  • Anonymous

    08/02/2018 - 12:45

  • Anonymous

    07/02/2018 - 20:25

  • Fábio Manuel Martins Ferreira

    06/02/2018 - 22:23

    Tá a ajudar

  • Francisco Cáceres Silva

    06/02/2018 - 13:03

    Que seja um sucesso enorme! A AEISCIA estará sempre a apoiar!

  • MultiPPLicador

    05/02/2018 - 21:03

    Obrigado pela divulgação!

  • Anonymous

    05/02/2018 - 18:35


  • Ariana Loff

    04/02/2018 - 12:08

    Bora la ! Muita força sorte ;)

  • Glaucia Venancio

    02/02/2018 - 19:16

    Boa viagem!

  • Anonymous

    02/02/2018 - 14:13

    Paulina e Paulo

  • Bruno Maria

    01/02/2018 - 20:25

    Boa Sorte Malucos!!! Tudo vos corra da melhor forma possível e divirtam-se!

  • Heliflex

    01/02/2018 - 16:44

  • Anonymous

    31/01/2018 - 17:04

    Jonathan (Sensação Branca)

  • Anonymous

    31/01/2018 - 10:50

    Paula Jerónimo

  • Iscia

    30/01/2018 - 18:14

  • Carlos Lourenço II

    29/01/2018 - 13:51