Caracol ao sol - Construction of an Wooden Floor

Caracol ao sol - Construction of an Wooden Floor

Our project is educational and strives to offer a way of learning where the focus is on the capacity of learning to do, feel and think. We want our children to learn to bake bre...

  • 1520


    151% of 1 005€

    31 backers

  • 02/06/2014

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Our project is educational and strives to offer a way of learning where the focus is on the capacity of learning to do, feel and think. We want our children to learn to bake bre...

Our project is educational and strives to offer a way of learning where the focus is on the capacity of learning to do, feel and think. We want our children to learn to bake bread, plant a tree and to play a lot. We want them to be able to wonder at nature, life and the universe. To be able to build thoughts by their own capacity of imagination and observation of the world.

And we want this for everyone!

Playground of Caracol ao Sol

So we created a non-profit association Caracol ao Sol. A pedagogical and cultural association, located in the Beira region in central Portugal.  Here we organize pedagogical activities for children aged 2 to 6 years old, that are based on the Waldorf pedagogy. We started out with only 6 children and have now reached the number of 8. This is however still not enough for our association to cover all expenses. 

There is a big community of Portuguese and foreign people that are aware of the change that the world needs and that have chosen a life closer to nature. They cultivate, build their own houses and live with very little money. As a result the difficulty to sustain a project like ours arises, and being part of the community, we want to embrace this. These families have difficulty in paying a monthly fee for their children (which in private schools of Portugal is normal), and we know this. Herefor we have monthly fees that are considerably low. We also want to include those who cannot afford our fees and for this reason we have two places for families in these conditions. Both are taken already. With these fees we make the money that enters the association, the rest of our costs are being payed by donations, by our participation in local fares and by much dedication and creativity created amongst us.

Because we believe that our most elevated goal is "to promote the development of free human beings, able to give direction and meaning to their lives" ( Rudolf Steiner – founder of the Waldorf pedagogy ), we are entirely dedicated to this cause. 

Because we believe this project will bring about a real change in the lives of children and their families, bring goodness to the world and will result in a change in the society of the future. We believe we can become a source of inspiration for many others that will venture and work towards a co-creation in the communities they live in. Because we include all community, from the smallest to the biggest and without the parents we would not exist. Because we are a project that works together for the same goal!
We are a peoples project! For all these reasons, we need all support we can get, and yours as well!

The building of our school

We started our Project in a room of the old primary school of Barril de Alva. We need to improve several things like: the tile floor, which is cold and dangerous for children this age. We cover the floor as much as we can with carpets and rugs this way offering more safety and heat this way. Knowing all this we want to put in a wooden floor. A warm, and natural material that will offer the children to play freely, relax, creating a cosy environment. Pedagogy wise the wood is also the best material for a floor.

This is the main reason we are asking for your help! To put in this new floor we only need the materials: pinewood, nails, linseed oil and ecological varnish. The actual putting in will be done by the parents themselves so we save the money of labour.

Because we love to celebrate life and all good that it brings us, we will organise a public celebration of our improved classroom, where all donators are invited.

We count with you!

About the author

We are an educational and cultural non-profit association based on the Waldorf pedagogy. The direction of this association is made up of three mothers:

The three mothers with their children on the deed day of association

President: Helena Monteiro, graduated in teaching 1st and 2nd cycle (primary school),  and mother of a 5 year old girl. Since the birth of her daughter, she devoted herself to learn more about alternative education, more specifically, about Waldorf education. She was also one of the co-founders of another waldorf project, the first in the north of the country. She is currently attending the teacher course in Waldorf Pegagogy, at Harpa, in Alhandra (Lisbon).

Vice President: Rosalinde Schön attended a Waldorf school in the Netherlands up to 14 years and since moving to Portugal and becoming a mother, wanted to invest all her spare time in this project, which is making her dreams come true.

Member: Teresa Leite Gonçalves, graduated in Social Communication and has a Masters in Marketing, decided to leave behind the city life and the stress that city life brings, as soon as she realized she was pregnant with her first child. She came looking for a more sustainable and healthy way of life amidst nature. 

The three spend their free time working on all aspects of the association with love and dedication, making this project their main occupation.

Budget and due dates

Iniciámos este projecto em Setembro passado, e ainda não temos um número de crianças suficiente que nos permita ter uma segurança económica capaz de suprir estas necessidades materiais e, como expliquei anteriormente, as nossas entradas de dinheiro ainda são bastante reduzidas. Para este projecto, necessitamos apenas de materiais para uma sala de 50 metros quadrados: madeira de pinho, pregos, óleo de linhaça e verniz ecológico, uma vez que os pais irão colocar o chão não sendo necessário despender verba para mão de obra. Caso excedamos o valor pedido neste crowdfunding, iremos direccioná-lo para outros fins. Temos a possibilidade de, num futuro próximo, adquirirmos outra sala para albergar crianças com idades a partir dos 6 anos. Para este futuro espaço, necessitamos também de colocar um chão de madeira. Assim, caso o valor pedido neste crowdfunding seja excedido, iremos utilizá-lo nas seguintes necessidades: Colocar um ponto de água na(s) sala(s); calafetar portas e janelas; compra de materiais para pintura com a técnica da esponja em todas as paredes; Tintas para tingir as cortinas; Novo mobiliário para as salas; Estores para escurecer a sala no momento da sesta; construção de uma casinha de madeira para o exterior; construção de uma cozinha e quarto para a casinha da sala; compra de colchões para o momento da sesta, compra de materiais didácticos, etc. O pedido de apoio vai estar aberto pelo período de 2 meses. No entanto, o nosso sonho é iniciar o próximo trimestre já com o chão novo.
  • Invest with
    2€ or more

    Thank you by email

    We will send a personal thank you for the donation email. Invite to receive our newsletter

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    5€ or more

    Personal thank you note and public mention

    Personal thank you note and public mention in our facebook page or website.

    19 backers

  • Invest with
    25€ or more

    We will offer a bee wax drawing

    Personal thank you note and public mention in our facebook page or website. Entitled to receive our newsletter. We will send you a personal bee wax drawing, made by one of the children.

    3 backers

  • Invest with
    40€ or more

    We will offer a watercolour painting

    Personal thank you note and public mention in our facebook page or website. Entitled to receive our newsletter. We will send you a personal watercolour painting, made by one of the children.

    3 backers

  • Invest with
    60€ or more

    Personal visit to our project

    Video Caracol ao Sol thanking you personally with public mention in our facebook page or website. Entitled to receive our newsletter. Personal visit to our project (scheduled).

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    80€ or more

    Free entrance to one of our talks or workshops

    Video Caracol ao Sol thanking you personally with public mention in our facebook page or website. Entitled to receive our newsletter. Free entrance to one of our talks or workshops organised by Caracol ao Sol.

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    150€ or more

    Member of our Association

    Video Caracol ao Sol thanking you personally with public mention in our facebook page or website. Entitled to receive our newsletter. You will automatically be a member of our association, benefiting from all inherent rights and duties.

    3 backers

Tue, 07/05/2024 - 02:59

Mon, 02/06/2014 - 22:08

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Mon, 02/06/2014 - 11:54


Falta um pouco mais de 6 horas para terminar a nossa campanha de angariação de fundos pela plataforma PPL. Graças a muitos de vocês que quiseram nos apoiar conseguimos atingir ...

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Campaign launched


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  • Caracol ao Sol


    Falta um pouco mais de 6 horas para terminar a nossa campanha de angariação de fundos pela plataforma PPL.
    Graças a muitos de vocês que quiseram nos apoiar conseguimos atingir e ultrapassar o valor pedido.

    Estamos todos muito felizes...
    Mantenham-se por perto, que vamos mantê-los informados...

    Um abraço,

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31 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

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Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Adrian Whitfield

    23/04/2014 - 12:13

    Grande apresentação em vídeo! Boa sorte com a captação de recursos.

  • marie

    21/04/2014 - 12:09

  • juliadias

    21/04/2014 - 09:31

  • HUGO

    20/04/2014 - 16:28

  • Sandra Alves

    15/04/2014 - 17:36

  • Robert sawers

    15/04/2014 - 14:22

  • Nienke

    15/04/2014 - 10:16

  • Leni Vermeiren

    14/04/2014 - 15:03

    muito parabens pelo projeto interessante.Espero que seja realisado em pouco tempo.

  • Claudia Moreira

    06/04/2014 - 18:13

    Parabéns pelo projecto!

  • teresaleite13

    04/04/2014 - 23:30

  • Rachie Vi

    04/04/2014 - 22:44

    Se todos contribuírem fica mais fácil, e com MT pouco se faz muito.
