Holiday Homes - Summer Architecture between Sintra and Colares

Holiday Homes - Summer Architecture between Sintra and Colares

An unprecedented book that reveals 40 houses in Colares, showing, from a historical and artistic point of view, the best modern architecture of a vacation region par excellence.

  • 6605


    132% of 5 000€

    178 backers

  • 17/12/2021

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

An unprecedented book that reveals 40 houses in Colares, showing, from a historical and artistic point of view, the best modern architecture of a vacation region par excellence.

Hi! My name is João Cardim and I was born in a holiday home on Avenida do Atlântico, between Colares and Praia Grande, right in front of the tram line. I always remember liking architecture, and it always fascinated me to walk through the pine forest, discover new paths and peek at the houses that appeared through the trees. A few years ago I decided to unite these two passions and get to know my land more deeply. This book is the result!

Support the publication of a large-format book of unequivocal cultural and documentary interest, with 160 pages and 200 illustrations, including archival images, original drawings and current photographs made expressly for this publication.

This is the first study entirely dedicated to the evolution of seasonal architecture in the Colares region, covering a vast territory, from Cabo da Roca to Azenhas do Mar, passing through emblematic places such as Almoçageme, Praia Grande, Rodízio, Banzão, Pinhal da Nazaré, Praia das Maçãs, among others; and including reference centers such as Bairro dos Arquitectos, Bairro dos Alemães or Bairro dos Aviadores.

Casa do arq. Artur Rosa

In addition to a historical analysis of the summer experience between Sintra and Colares, analyzing the cultural and social phenomenon of the precociously developed "villa" ideology in this privileged region, 40 examples of the best domestic holiday architecture from 1940 to 1970 will be revealed in greater depth, most of them never previously published, which reflect the aspirations of the families who, seduced by the unique character of the area, left the marks of a lifestyle that somehow still persists. Importance is also given to a whole network of facilities that have been established there: swimming pools, hotels, holiday camps, etc.

A rigorous work, completed in an attractive and educational result, which will interest visitors to the region who want to know it better, and professionals in the fields of architecture, landscaping and interior design, who want to be inspired by the best Portuguese architects of that time, from Conceição Silva to Keil do Amaral, Nuno Teotónio Pereira and Nuno Portas, Faria da Costa and Raul Tojal, Victor Palla and Bento d'Almeida, Frederico George, Manuel Tainha, Artur Rosa, Justino Morais, among others, many times with the participation of renowned plastic artists, such as Maria Keil, Fred Kradolfer, Jorge Barradas and Querubim Lapa.

This book is the result of the joint effort of João Cardim, architect and author of the text, and Filipe Jorge, architect, author of photographs and editorial director of ARGUMENTUM. Texts by Teresa Valsassina Heitor and Pitum Keil do Amaral are also included.

To make the publication of the book economically viable, we decided to launch this crowdfunding campaign. The edition will have the following characteristics:

- Format: 23 cm x 31 cm

- Number of pages: 160 pages

- 4/4 color printing on 170 gr coated paper

- Hard cover, laminated to matte

- Circulation: 1,000 copies;

- PVP: 30€

- Release: December 2021

Casa Sete Choupos, do arq. Jorge Segurado

About the author

João Cardim, an architect since 2011, has collaborated in several architecture offices and in several research projects, organized sessions, congresses and exhibitions and was a member of editorial teams. He has participated as a speaker at congresses in the field of architecture and urbanism in Portugal, Italy, Brazil, United Kingdom, Sweden and Israel, having published articles in books, international magazines, scientific meetings and cultural journals. He is currently developing a doctoral thesis in Architecture of Contemporary Metropolitan Territories at ISCTE-IUL.

Filipe Jorge is an architect, photographer and editor. He graduated in Architecture from the Lisbon School of Fine Arts in 1981. He obtained a postgraduate degree in Recovery of Architectural and Urban Heritage (University of Évora, 1983) and in Publishing, Books and New Digital Media (Catholic University of Lisbon, 2007). He has additional training in Visual Arts, namely: Photography Techniques, Image Semiology, Film Directing. Architect with his own studio, he developed his professional activity for 25 years in the areas of architecture, interior design and rehabilitation. He founded and directs ARGUMENTUM since 1994.

ARGUMENTUM is a publishing house with 25 years of existence, and around a hundred editions published, with its editorial line centered on thematics of Architecture, Urbanism and Heritage. It started and maintains the edition of Aerial Photography books, occasionally publishing books on Landscaping and Environment or other disciplinary areas. It has experience in the creation, development and promotion of editorial projects in partnership, exploring ideas and transforming projects into works, carried out with the rigor and quality that reflect the objectives for which they were created.

Casa do arq. Carlos Manuel Tojal

Budget and due dates

Edition budget:

- Total: €10500


- Campaign start: November 4, 2021

- End of the campaign: December 17, 2021

- Release of the book: December 2021

  • Invest with
    25€ or more

    A copy of the book Holiday Homes – Summer Architecture between Sintra e Colares and a mention in the Acknowledgments.

    Receive a copy of the book as soon as it leaves the printer!

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    124 backers

  • Invest with
    40€ or more

    Two copies of the book Holiday Homes – Summer Architecture between Sintra and Colares and a mention in the Acknowledgments.

    Keep one book and give the other to those who like vacations and Colares!

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    32 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Three copies of the book Holiday Homes – Summer Architecture between Sintra and Colares and a mention in the Acknowledgments.

    Enjoy it and give it to friends and family!

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    20 backers

  • Invest with
    60€ or more

    Four copies of the book Holiday Homes – Summer Architecture between Sintra and Colares and a mention in the Acknowledgments.

    Enjoy it and give it to friends and family!

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    4 backers

  • Invest with
    80€ or more

    Six copies of the book Holiday Homes – Summer Architecture between Sintra and Colares and a mention in the Acknowledgments.

    Enjoy it and give it to friends and family!

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

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  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    Ten copies of the book Holiday Homes – Summer Architecture between Sintra and Colares and a mention in the Acknowledgments.

    Dispatch your Christmas gifts now!

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    8 backers

Sun, 19/05/2024 - 13:42

Mon, 30/05/2022 - 23:25

Lançamento do livro CASAS DE

Lançamento do livro CASAS DE FÉRIAS – Arquitectura de Veraneio entre Sintra e Colares SAVE THE DATE! 3 de Junho de 2022, 18h00, Auditório da Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal (...

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Mon, 10/01/2022 - 18:54

Distribuição dos livros

Boa tarde! Votos de um Feliz 2022! Ainda falta distribuir alguns livros a apoiantes do crowdfunding. Parei a distribuição porta a porta por volta do Natal devido às restriçõe...

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Mon, 20/12/2021 - 12:15

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Fri, 17/12/2021 - 12:03

Já chegaram!

Já chegaram e já começaram a ser enviados e distribuídos! Obrigado uma vez mais a todos! Hoje é o último dia para aproveitar o desconto da campanha de crowdfunding. Boas Festas!...

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Thu, 25/11/2021 - 10:15

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Tue, 23/11/2021 - 11:56

Agradecimentos no livro

Olá! Quero começar por agradecer a todos os mais de 100 apoiantes do nosso projecto. O sucesso da campanha até agora superou todas as nossas expectativas, o que só reforça o nos...

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Mon, 15/11/2021 - 09:17

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Tue, 09/11/2021 - 09:36

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Thu, 04/11/2021 - 19:40

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • João Cardim

    Lançamento do livro CASAS DE

    Lançamento do livro CASAS DE FÉRIAS – Arquitectura de Veraneio entre Sintra e Colares

    SAVE THE DATE! 3 de Junho de 2022, 18h00, Auditório da Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal (Campo Grande, Lisboa).

    Olá a todos! Chegou finalmente o dia da apresentação pública do livro que vocês todos apoiaram. É já na próxima sexta-feira!

    E é para mim um prazer e um privilégio que a apresentação seja feita pelo arquitecto Gonçalo Byrne, Presidente do Conselho Directivo Nacional da Ordem dos Arquitectos.

    Obrigado por terem tornado este sonho realidade. Espero ver-vos por lá!

    Mais informação:

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  • João Cardim

    Distribuição dos livros

    Boa tarde! Votos de um Feliz 2022!

    Ainda falta distribuir alguns livros a apoiantes do crowdfunding. Parei a distribuição porta a porta por volta do Natal devido às restrições em torno da covid-19, mas conto retomar para a semana que vem. Peço desculpa a quem ainda não recebeu o livro.

    Qualquer dúvida ou para combinarmos a entrega podem-me contactar através do 967318795 ou do email:

    Entretanto, o livro já se encontra à venda em algumas livrarias, tanto físicas como online. De qualquer maneira, caso queiram adquirir mais livros podem sempre contactar directamente a editora através do email:

    Muito obrigado de novo pelo apoio a este projecto e um forte abraço!

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  • João Cardim

    Já chegaram!

    Já chegaram e já começaram a ser enviados e distribuídos! Obrigado uma vez mais a todos! Hoje é o último dia para aproveitar o desconto da campanha de crowdfunding. Boas Festas!

    PS: Os livros para fora de Lisboa já foram enviados por correio. Em relação aos livros para Lisboa, Sintra e Colares, eu vou distribui-los em mão ao longo dos próximos dias, para garantir que chegam antes do Natal. Por favor estejam atentos à campainha! Obrigado a todos.

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  • lmviterboJoão Cardim

    Moradas dos anónimos

    Boa noite, João. No caso dos contributos anónimos, as moradas de quem contribuiu não são reveladas nem sequer aos promotores, pois não?

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  • João Cardim

    Agradecimentos no livro

    Olá! Quero começar por agradecer a todos os mais de 100 apoiantes do nosso projecto. O sucesso da campanha até agora superou todas as nossas expectativas, o que só reforça o nosso esforço em levar até vós o livro nas melhores condições.

    A justa expectativa criada junto dos nossos apoiantes é a de que o livro esteja pronto para ser oferecido no Natal. Para tal acontecer, estamos muito empenhados na recta final antes do livro seguir para a gráfica, o que deve acontecer no início da próxima semana.

    Isto significa que os apoiantes que façam contribuições após um determinado dia da próxima semana (ainda por definir), quando o livro seguir para a gráfica, já não verão o seu nome na lista de agradecimentos. No entanto, todos os apoiantes que já contribuíram , bem como os que contribuírem até esse dia, terão o seu nome na lista.

    Neste sentido, e para ser justo para com os que já apoiaram, pedi para retirar das recompensas a frase “menção do(s) apoiante(s) nos agradecimentos do livro”, para não criar falsas expectativas. Tentarei encontrar uma maneira de agradecer, de uma outra maneira, aos apoiantes desta recta final, até 17 de Dezembro.

    Peço-vos que continuem a divulgar a campanha, pois apesar de estarmos próximos do nosso objectivo, ainda falta um esforço final.
    Muito obrigado pelo vosso apoio e espero que gostem do livro!

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178 members of the PPL community
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  • 37
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  • 11
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