We want to continue to support the areas of Deafness and Blindness. We will return to São Tomé for 3 weeks to develop a Training of trainers and a Training in orientation and mo...

  • 455


    45% of 1 000€

    22 backers

  • 16/01/2017

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

We want to continue to support the areas of Deafness and Blindness. We will return to São Tomé for 3 weeks to develop a Training of trainers and a Training in orientation and mobility with the use of the white cane.

Given the results in 2015, we can say that the implementation of the project  was according to the planned, both in relation to the participants reached and in relation to the relevance of the project objectives, since, according to the President of ACASTEP in 2015, Mr. Apolinário Davide in an interview with TVS (Interviews were given to São Tomé Television during the activities developed by the TWO SENSES), "if you lose sight you have to adapt to a new world. This formation has brought a light, we are already more independent ", or, in the words of Professor Avelino Santo - Director of the Deaf Association of Bom Bom," this training has given us a very great contribution. They used the deaf pedagogy and the trainees were able to learn (...). "

So we want to continue to promote the Self-concept and Autonomy of children, young people and adults with Deafness and Blindness of São Tomé and for this we need, once again.


Fim da formação com o grupo de formandos surdos


About the author

In order to create value for the community with which we will continue to work, the social problem identified as Important, Neglected and exhibiting Externalities is the social exclusion of people with visual impairments and people with hearing impairment.

We are changemakers focusing  on solving this problem, building bridges for social insertion, improving self-esteem and empowerment to people with visual impairments and hearing impaired , facilitating the tools for change and an improvement in their quality of life.

Budget and due dates

Until January 16, 2017, we need financial support for  trips, Lisbon - Sao Tome and Principe, of the two volunteers.

  • Invest with
    5€ or more


    We will thank you on facebook.

    18 backers

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    20€ or more


    We will thank you on facebook and our trainees too.

    3 backers

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    100€ or more

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    We will thank you on facebook and our trainees too and we'll develop an workshop about LGP.

    1 backer

Tue, 28/05/2024 - 14:31

Mon, 16/01/2017 - 22:22


A todos os amigos apoiantes do Dois Sentidos Fase II Chegámos hoje ao fim da nossa campanha PPL para a qual contribuíram. Não atingimos os objectivos /metas de contribuições ...

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Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

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  • claudmoura


    A todos os amigos apoiantes do Dois Sentidos Fase II

    Chegámos hoje ao fim da nossa campanha PPL para a qual contribuíram. Não atingimos os objectivos /metas de contribuições necessárias e por isso o PPL irá aconselhar a que o valor que cada um de vos contribuiu seja devolvido.

    Não só porque assim são as regras do "tudo o ou nada" da plataforma, mas porque não vamos conseguir regressar a São Tomé na data prevista para a execução em terreno do Dois Sentidos Fase II. Tivemos um contratempo pessoal, o qual não está nas nossas mãos ultrapassar, pelo que neste momento não sabemos para que data (mas será breve) teremos de adiar a nossa partida e a fazer o que estamos destinadas a fazer em São Tomé: ajudar as pessoas cegas e surdas a ultrapassar barreiras. Mas neste momento enfrentamos nós obstáculos que demorarão um pouco a transpor mas serão vencidos o mais rápido que nos for possível.

    Assim, mesmo que tenham contribuído incondicionalmente, queremos que o valor seja devolvido para que, mais tarde, possamos de novo fazer o apelo à nossa causa.

    Ate lá trabalharemos em Portugal para renovar os nossos conhecimentos e fortalecermos as nossas capacidades.
    Até já!

    Cláudia e Rita

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