Support our Physical theatre production CENTURY XXII and help us bring to you, through the means of Art, a perspective on what life in the future the will look like. Contribut...

  • 3960


    100% of 3 950€

    29 backers

  • 27/09/2017

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Support our Physical theatre production CENTURY XXII and help us bring to you, through the means of Art, a perspective on what life in the future the will look like. Contribute and enjoy one of our perks! If you wish to contribute in any different way please get in touch with us or feel free to share our campaign.

“Century XXII” is based on the group members research on physical theatre, particularly Corporeal Mime.

Directed by Miguel Freire and Javier Cencig, this is an original Sci-fi physical theatre play.

What will the future be like, when the present time seems to indicate towards more and more virtual paths ruled by artificial intelligence. Which role will be left for humans and their bodies in this scenario? How is humanity to be defined and what will remain its essence? What will relationships, memory and communication be like?

This project has its foundations on the premise that dramaturgy, expression, creativity and special effects would mainly arise from the actors’ bodies. Also relevant to mention, the fact that this journey towards the future is brought by actors from several countries. The rehearsals started in May in Brazil and are now taking place in Portugal. The shows’ premiere will be in mid September at Nadosah Festival, Czech Republic before following on to Teatro da Comuna, Lisbon, by the end of September.

We chose this crowdfunding campaign as it is a means to allow a fair, community bound and conscious contribution. Whilst being based on an exchange and commitment system in which we strongly believe, allowing space to boost our artistic creation.

Entheos Teatro is a professional theatre company. Currently not supported by either any government or private institution.

We are raising funds to support the expenses of production, rehearsal and creation of our show.

We count on the contribution of those who believe in the value of Art, artists and theatre as a form of expression.

All of those who choose to support our campaign and join us in this journey towards the next century will have the opportunity to watch our show in Lisbon between the 27thof September and 1stof October and/or benefit from our perks.

Join us in our trip to the future!

Together we will arrive in “Century XXII”

Atores do espetáculo: Deidi Lucas, Miguel Freire, Javier Cencig e Carol Lossio

About the author

Entheos is the ethymological origin of the word enthusiasm. And that is the exact feeling that moves us in a world in which Art faces several different challenges.

Born in October 2016 and composed of former students of International School of Corporeal Mime (London), Entheos Teatro is a theatre group based both in Portugal and Brazil who are developing a creative research in the realm of physical, visual and movement theatre.

As a solid common base we chose Corporeal Mime, Etienne Decroux’s technical approach, within which the actor’s body represents the theatre’s essence. We work with this unique way of expression to give shape to our will of transforming this plural world that surrounds us through Art.

Learn more about us, our crowdfunding campaign and our show on our website (www.entheosteatro.com) and follow us on our social media: instagramfacebook and youtube channel. 

Budget and due dates


 In order to produce “CENTURY XXII” we will apply the amount raised in this campaign, as follows:

  • Space Rental Fees ( rehearsal and venue): 715 €  ->  18%
  • Creative and technical production (costumes, stage design, light design, music): 1.300 €  ->  33%
  • Promotion and publicity: 300 €  ->  8%
  • Administrative and legal fees: 300 €  ->  8%
  • Travel expenses: 1.000 €  ->  25%
  • Taxes and commissions: 340 €  ->  8%

Due Dates:

The show’s pre-production started in January 2017 with meetings concerned with logistics, production, dramaturgy and research for the show. These were held virtually, since our group members live in different countries.

Last May we started the first phase of rehearsals in Sao Paulo, Brazil. On June 15 the last stage of rehearsals began in Lisbon, Portugal.


  • 15-17 September, Nadosah Festival, Mlada Boleslav Czech Republic;
  • 27 September – 1 october, Teatro da Comuna, Lisbon Portugal;
  • November,  Venue and Date TBC, Sao Paulo, Brazil;

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    A big Thank you on our social media!

    Choose to contribute what you feel from 5 euros and you will get a shout out on our social media plus a special thank you in our program! And more significantly from the bottom of our hearts...a BIG Thank You!

    8 backers

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Single Ticket + Thank You

    On top of the aforementioned you will receive a single ticket for our show on a date of your choice between 27 of September and October 1 at Teatro da Comuna.

    9 backers

  • Invest with
    25€ or more

    Event CENTURY XXII + Single Ticket + Thank You

    Contribute with 25 euros or more and receive an invitation to our theme event "CENTURY XXII", held on the 1st of October, involving a talk about the creative process of the show, talks about the future, live music and Entheos movement and dance ritual, along with the food of the next century!

    6 backers

  • Invest with
    80€ or more

    Workshop + Event + Thank You

    A 3 day Corporeal Mime workshop that introduces the foundations of Etienne Decroux's technique and the groups own methods which have been developed throughout our research process. It is directed to actors, dancers, performing arts students, performing artists and those who are interested in general body and movement research. A 12 hour long workshop facilitated by the group members: Deidi Lucas (Spain), Javier Cencig (Argentina) e Miguel Freire (Portugal). This also includes a single ticket and an invitation for the CENTURY XXII event.

    7 backers

  • Invest with
    350€ or more

    Official Sponsor + Event + Tickets

    Become an official sponsor of CENTURY XXII. You will have your logo in our communication and advertising materials and on our website. Along with a mention on our social media and a public thank you at the end of our show. Also includes 5 single tickets as well as an entry for the CENTURY XXII event.

    2 backers

Sun, 05/05/2024 - 15:44

Fri, 29/09/2017 - 11:04

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Sat, 23/09/2017 - 12:05

Importantes notícias sobre a Campanha e o nosso projeto!

Olá a todos os nossos seguidores e contribuidores para a campanha do crowdfunding! Escrevemos para partilhar convosco sobre o andamento do nosso projeto que vem acontecendo t...

Read more

Campaign launched


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  • Entheos Teatro

    Importantes notícias sobre a Campanha e o nosso projeto!

    Olá a todos os nossos seguidores e contribuidores para a campanha do crowdfunding!

    Escrevemos para partilhar convosco sobre o andamento do nosso projeto que vem acontecendo também graças à vossa ajuda.
    Tivemos a nossa estreia na semana passada no Festival Nadosah, em Mlada Boleslav, República Checa, e a receção do público foi maravilhosa, além de a nossa própria sensação ao fazer o espetáculo ter sido muito boa também.
    Não foi um processo fácil, visto que o tempo se mostrou curto, ainda mais porque tivemos alguns percalços. Menos de 10 dias antes da estreia, por motivos pessoais e que estavam fora do nosso controlo, foi necessário reestruturar o elenco com a saída de Caroline Lossio e Deidi Lucas. Num primeiro momento nós, Miguel Freire e Javier Cencig, como criadores e responsáveis pelo projeto, chegamos a pensar em desistir, devido ao pouco tempo que havia. Mas, em função dos compromissos já assumidos e da nossa crença e paixão pelo projeto, decidimos encarar os desafios e riscos e levá-lo adiante. Apesar de todas as incertezas que isto acarretou, dedicamos muitas horas de trabalho e refizemos todas as coreografias e cenas adaptando-as à nova configuração.
    O resultado foi surpreendente, pois a base dramatúrgica já estava bem estabelecida e, no fim, o espetáculo ficou muito coerente com a sua proposta inicial. Foi uma grata surpresa e acima de tudo uma prova de fogo para o próprio nome Entheos Teatro, pois “entheos” era a palavra sussurrada aos ouvidos de Ulisses pelas ninfas que o fazia continuar adiante quando este, à beira do naufrágio, pensava em desistir.
    Esta semana teremos a nossa estreia também em Lisboa.
    Dias 29 e 30 de Setembro e dia 1 de Outubro, ou seja, já a próxima Sexta 21h, Sábado 21h e Domingo 17h.
    Queremos muito partilhar este espetáculo convosco.
    Se por algum motivo, de distância física ou por agenda, não puder assistir ao espetáculo, fique a saber que irá estar connosco no palco e que a nossa gratidão é imensa. O seu nome consta no nosso site (www.entheosteatro.com) como um dos colaboradores que ajudaram para a realização deste projeto (na secção Século XXII). Também constará em breve nas redes sociais e no programa que distribuiremos no teatro. Além disso, estamos a preparar um clipe exclusivo com várias cenas da peça para que vocês, caso não possam estar presentes, possam ter acesso a pouco do que criámos.
    Temos grandes planos para o futuro. Temos já novos 2 novos convites para participar, no próximo ano, em dois festivais internacionais na Europa, e também, claro, levar o espetáculo para o Brasil.
    Onde quer que seja, com certeza, teremos uma enorme satisfação em contar consigo na primeira fila!
    Obrigado e um grande abraço!
    Miguel Freire e Javier Cencig

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29 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 25
    new backers

  • 4
    recurrent backers

  • 6
    anonymous backers

Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Teresa Arriaga

    24/08/2017 - 17:56

  • Anonymous

    23/08/2017 - 15:13

    Mucha mierda con el proyecto y disfrutadlo mucho

  • Leonardo Macharette

    23/08/2017 - 12:40

    Congrats Javi!!!!! Boa sorte e sucesso!!!

  • Beto Francine

    22/08/2017 - 13:45

    Boa sorte e bom trabalho! Cultura é vida!

  • Anonymous

    21/08/2017 - 06:23

    Boa sorte! Från Sverige!

  • Flávia Bresil Palhares

    21/08/2017 - 02:43

    Javi, sucesso para você e todos do grupo!!!

  • Anonymous

    20/08/2017 - 13:41

    ¡Un abrazo canario para todos!

  • Raul Salata Schusterman

    19/08/2017 - 16:54

  • Silvio Charap

    17/08/2017 - 12:58

  • Anonymous

    17/08/2017 - 00:24

  • Anonymous

    16/08/2017 - 23:57

  • Edimar Araujo Filho

    15/08/2017 - 23:45

    Folks, take care of my baby and good luck for all

  • Danielle Lossio

    15/08/2017 - 18:26

    Muito sucesso a vocês. Adorei conhecê-los. Cuidem bem da minha irmãzinha. E venham apresentar no Brasil. Quero assistir. :)

  • José Paulo Nogueira

    12/08/2017 - 12:02

    Boa sorte e sucesso para a iniciativa.!
