Chat Analógico - Postal Communication

Chat Analógico - Postal Communication

Chat Analógico® is a project within the social entrepreneurship sphere.This initiative addresses the scarce intergenerational communication problem, that has been occuring/devel...

  • 495


    24% of 2 000€

    39 backers

  • 31/07/2013

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

Chat Analógico® is a project within the social entrepreneurship sphere.This initiative addresses the scarce intergenerational communication problem, that has been occuring/devel...

Chat Analógico® is a project within the social entrepreneurship sphere.

This initiative addresses the scarce intergenerational communication problem, that has been occuring/developing.

Chat Analógico® is a service that enables communication between generations.

The process is based on two key-players: gathering correspondent groups in primary schools and nurcery homes that will chat through postcards along the school year and, obviously, postal communication.

It All begins with a Chat Analógico® Kit, in which are provided all the tools needed to iniate the process: it includes up to 2000 postcards for one school, 50 identifying pins, an instructions manual and a slide presentation for the initial workshop that starts the communication process. Each Kit serves a maximum of 50 people25 students + 25 seniors – and the retail price is 250€.

We’ve also developed a smaller Kit that enables each pair of correspondents to communicate from their homes and even takes the project to many more people. It consists in 20 postcards, 20 postal services’ stamps and its retail price is 25€.

The prototype tested in the field with real people engaged a total of five experts, teachers and psychologists; 130 correspondents, who exchanged about 800 postcards, correspondents’ relatives; institutions’ boards, among other social partners.

Chat Analógico® showed us that is possible to bring generations closer and promoted seniors’ inclusion in community’s active cores, classic writing and Reading practice, empathy and personal and social skills development, and reinvigorated the Portuguese language and postal communication.


About the author

Samuel Moura Lemos and Daniela Gapo (we’re Chat Analógico®’s team), our academic training has been focused in Design since high-school. In college, we decided to graduate in Product Design, but the last year of graduation brought us the Action For Age project and we were infected with what social entrepreneurs designate as the "bug": this overwhelming urge to change the world.

Since then, we have been attending trainings, workshops and conferences in Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The most recent of which was the IES’ Social Entrepreneurs Bootcamp. This Bootcamp was the milestone in our journey, either as designers, as social entrepreneurs. It made our vision and Chat Analógico®’s mission clearer in terms of focus on the social problem we address as well as the project’s dissemination and growth strategies.

Looking back, we find our journey to be a great start, but, if we’re going to change the world, we need many more people inpired and chating through postcards!



Budget and due dates

A equipa promotora já investiu do seu próprio bolso cerca de 3000€, em despesas operacionais do projeto como: deslocações; produção dos kits; distribuição; entre outras. Ou seja, não é um modelo sustentável. O fundo angariado será para começar um fundo de maneio para gerir estas despesas, para além de ser uma oportunidade de gerar potenciais novos clientes/prescritores do projecto. A próxima temporada do Chat Analógico® inicia-se em Setembro, com o arranque do novo ano letivo. Contamos que esta campanha decorra até ao fim de Agosto: 90 dias para o crowd-funding + posterior entrega das recompensas. Esta campanha tem um objetivo meramente de divulagação, pois todo o trabalho de venda dos kits é feito pelos promotores, junto dos departamentos de educação das autarquias. Contamos também alcançar reconhecimento social para alcançar o nosso parceria de excelência: os CTT.

Tue, 14/05/2024 - 15:35


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Campaign launched


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  • nuno

    done.. boa sorte para o vosso

    done.. boa sorte para o vosso projecto... ;-)

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39 members of the PPL community
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Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • margaridamial

    25/05/2013 - 17:05

    Boa Sorte! :)

  • Carlos Mendes

    25/05/2013 - 14:18

    Sempre gostei deste projecto. Abraço a ambos.

  • Bruno Amorim

    25/05/2013 - 13:05

    Grande projeto! É um crime ficar na gaveta… Força!

  • Ana Patrícia Monteiro

    24/05/2013 - 09:13

    Espero que consigam contagiar graúdos e miúdos com esta ideia tão interessante e válida! Boa sorte e bom trabalho!

  • Susana Branco

    23/05/2013 - 21:50

    da mãe e da irmã boa sorte :-)

  • Fernanda-Mourão

    21/05/2013 - 23:19

    Caros Amigos, com um projecto assim só poderão ter sucesso! Para quem lê estes comentários: - toca a contribuir, vamos lá, não custa nada!


    17/05/2013 - 16:17

    boa sorte!

  • Helder Moura

    17/05/2013 - 14:11

    Quando acreditamos...tudo é posível! Parabéns pelo projeto e votos sinceros de Sucesso!

  • Ana Lemos

    16/05/2013 - 10:42

    já está! :)

  • Ricardo Sousa

    15/05/2013 - 12:28

    Parabéns pelo projeto e o máximo de empenho no mesmo!

  • Liliana Soares

    15/05/2013 - 10:30


  • Helder Colaço

    14/05/2013 - 22:09

    apoiem um projeto valido... todos juntos custa menos;)

  • luiscarvalho

    14/05/2013 - 19:38

  • nunosousadesign

    14/05/2013 - 16:19

    Força pessoal! Abraço

  • nuno

    14/05/2013 - 14:02

    digitalmente a apoiar o analógico ;-)

  • Allan Sousa

    13/05/2013 - 15:23

    Força amigos! Um abraço.

  • Daniela Gapo

    13/05/2013 - 14:16

  • PlayUpDesign

    13/05/2013 - 10:54

    muito parabéns, um grande abraço da Sicilia


    13/05/2013 - 08:48

    Muitos Parabéns colegas Bootcampers e votos de muito sucesso!
