PPL Causas


Plural is a dance company whose main objective is the research, training and artistic creation at the intersection between contemporary dance and inclusive dance, promotes the d...

  • 1314


    62% of 2 100€

    58 backers

  • 23/01/2018

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

Plural is a dance company whose main objective is the research, training and artistic creation at the intersection between contemporary dance and inclusive dance, promotes the development of choreographic projects that result from the encounter and artistic collaboration between disabled and non-disabled dancers, professionals and non-professional, using a multidisciplinary approach to movement and a constant reinterpretation of Human Diversity through Dance.

Plural is a dance company whose main objective is the research, training and artistic creation at the intersection between contemporary dance and inclusive dance, promotes the development of choreographic projects that result from the encounter and artistic collaboration between disabled and non-disabled dancers, professionals and non-professional, using a multidisciplinary approach to movement and a constant reinterpretation of Human Diversity through Dance. 

Testimonials in the video

  • My name is Cristina Passos and I am the coordinator of the House of the Arts program from LIGA Foundation. Our dance company – PLURAL with more the 20 years of experience has been pioneer and innovative on the inclusive dance context in Portugal. This year, due to our status as a foundation, we are not allowed to apply for the funding program that has supported our new productions in recent years. We started to prepare the new show once again with the partnership of the Lisbon’s Superior School of Dance and we need you to help us to achieve this project. Let us count on you to continue to contribute to diversity in the stages of Dance.Thank you.
  • My name is Diana Niepce and I am the choreographer of this new project of PLURAL Dance Company. This is a project with a strong social value and impact relating with the community, seeking to form new audiences and create an opening for inclusive dance panorama. How does a professional dancer handle different bodies thus opening the way to diversity? In this way, the public also sees inclusive dance not as a victim art but creates the opening for this kind of dance shows that are very few and still need to happen more and more.
  • Margarida Sousa - Is dancing a challenge for you? Of course it is! Every day, one day we can do less another day we can do more, another day we can have more inspiration, but there is always something to do and learn, to improve, to risk and to go further.

Foto da equipa artistica

About the author

Plural is a project of the Arts House of the LIGA Foundation and has developed its artistic activity over the past 20 years, having since then presented its projects and performances in Portugal, Spain, Italy, UK and USA. Since its creation PLURAL has been betting on an innovative and pioneer model for the development of its choreographic projects, through the regular articulation of partnerships and artistic collaborations with creators and dance organizations, both nationally and internationally – Superior School of Dance (2000-2016), CandoCo Dance Company (UK / 2001), Vi-Kap (IT / 2001), Amalgama - Dance Company (2003 and 2016), Karen Peterson & Dancers (Miami/USA, 2016) StopGAP (UK / 2004), Danzamobile ES / 2004), CNB - National Ballet Company / Teatro Camões (2004).

Plural has been developing several awareness-raising and inclusive dance training projects aimed at the school public, students of artistic and professional higher education, and organizations in the areas of dance, education, health and social intervention. Also worthy of mention is the promotion and production of transnational cooperation projects under the support of the European Commission's Culture 2000 Program (Contact'Art Project / 2001 and EU-Dance Project 2004). In this context, the LIGA Foundation and Plural organized in 2004 the FESTIVAL EU-DANCE, the first festival entirely dedicated to Inclusive Dance organized in Portugal with shows, workshops, a conference and the edition of a book, at Centro Cultural de Belém.

Budget and due dates

The money raised in this campaign until January 21, 2018 will allow the payment to the choreographers (€ 1900) and the Light technician (€ 200).

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    A thank you on the site and Facebook of Fundação LIGA

    We want to publicly thank all those who help us achieve our goal.

    29 backers

  • Invest with
    15€ or more

    An entry to attend an inclusive Dance workshop

    We want to share with you what we do. By supporting with € 15 you will have the opportunity to participate in one of our workshops and get to know our work better.

    14 backers

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    A Book with photographs of the rehearsals and the show

    Offer of a book with photos of the process and the show to stay in your memory.

    4 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    A VIP ticket for the premiere and a book with photographs of rehearsals and the show

    We want you to watch the first show in a privileged place with special treatment.

    6 backers

  • Invest with
    70€ or more

    Two vip tickets for the premiere, a book with photographs and an opportunity to participate in an inclusive Dance workshop

    We want you to watch the first show with company, in a privileged place and with special treatment. To get to know our work better, you can also participate in one of our inclusive dance workshops.

    4 backers

Fri, 10/05/2024 - 02:32

Thu, 25/01/2018 - 22:38

A Plural Companhia de Dança vai voltar aos palcos! Obrigada!

Terminou no dia 23 de janeiro a campanha de crowdfunding da PLURAL COMPANHIA DE DANÇA - DE VOLTA AOS PALCOS na plataforma PPL. A verba angariada (1314€) não foi suficiente para ...

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Thu, 25/01/2018 - 11:14

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Mon, 22/01/2018 - 20:43

Prolongamento do prazo da campanha Plural Companhia de Dança

Caro(a) apoiante da Campanha Plural Companhia de Dança - De Volta aos Palcos, Gostaríamos de lhe agradecer o seu contributo e por ter acreditado no nosso projeto! Como é do ...

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Campaign launched


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  • Fundação LIGA

    A Plural Companhia de Dança vai voltar aos palcos! Obrigada!

    Terminou no dia 23 de janeiro a campanha de crowdfunding da PLURAL COMPANHIA DE DANÇA - DE VOLTA AOS PALCOS na plataforma PPL. A verba angariada (1314€) não foi suficiente para alcançar a meta que gostaríamos, no entanto o contributo de 40 apoiantes que optaram pela opção de apoio incondicional, permitiu-nos atingir o valor de 957€.
    A PLURAL COMPANHIA DE DANÇA vai voltar aos palcos já no próximo dia 7 de Fevereiro, no Auditório Camões.
    Esperamos contar com a sua presença nesse dia, para partilhar consigo o final deste projeto!
    Entraremos em contacto brevemente com cada um dos 40 apoiantes para o informarmos como aceder às suas recompensas.
    Nos links abaixo irá encontrar mais informação sobre os resultados da campanha e sobre o espectáculo.
    OBRIGADA por acreditarem neste projeto!

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  • Fundação LIGA

    Prolongamento do prazo da campanha Plural Companhia de Dança

    Caro(a) apoiante da Campanha Plural Companhia de Dança - De Volta aos Palcos,

    Gostaríamos de lhe agradecer o seu contributo e por ter acreditado no nosso projeto!
    Como é do seu conhecimento, estava inicialmente previsto a campanha terminar hoje, pelas 18h00. No entanto, face aos resultados alcançados (61%) optámos por prolongá-la durante mais um dia.
    O PPL funciona de modo simples e transparente, utilizando a mecânica "tudo ou nada", ou seja, se o nosso objetivo for atingido dentro do prazo, recebemos os fundos e a plataforma cobra uma comissão de sucesso. Se o montante mínimo não for angariado, os fundos serão devolvidos aos apoiantes, a não ser que os mesmos tenham assinalado a opção "Desejo doar o valor a este promotor, mesmo que a campanha não angarie a totalidade dos fundos".

    É neste sentido que gostaríamos mais uma vez de contar com a sua colaboração. Caso não tenha optado por esta opção, poderá ainda fazê-lo até às 18H00 de amanhã, alterando a situação no link abaixo, para apoio incondicional (assinalando Sim):

    Neste momento, podemos lhe garantir que a Plural Companhia de Dança irá voltar aos palcos muito brevemente, garantindo que o seu contributo será aplicado neste projeto.

    Um grande Obrigada e até breve,

    Cristina Passos
    Coordenadora da Casa das Artes da Fundação LIGA

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58 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 31
    new backers

  • 27
    recurrent backers

  • 31
    anonymous backers

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