Solidarity Footprints

Solidarity Footprints

Pretendemos realizar dois projectos de Terapias Assistidas por Animais em duas instituições de solidariedade social que acolhem e protegem crianças e jovens em risco que têm com...

  • 562


    18% of 3 000€

    27 backers

  • 27/01/2013

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

Pretendemos realizar dois projectos de Terapias Assistidas por Animais em duas instituições de solidariedade social que acolhem e protegem crianças e jovens em risco que têm como finalidade o acolhimento urgente e transitório de crianças em situação de risco, decorrente de abandono, maus tratos, negligência ou outros factores, criando condições para a definição do projecto de vida de cada criança/jovem, com vista ao seu adequado encaminhamento: a Associação Casa do Caminho (Porto) e a Associa...

Vinculum Animal is a nonprofit association founded in December, 2011 that acts on Animal Assisted Interventions, Canine Training and Education, scientific research and training for students.

The benefits of the relationship between Humans and Animals are clear to all those who experience this relationship. There is a great diversity of studies that prove the effectiveness of this relationship in achieving therapeutic goals.

Through Animal Assisted Interventions, we intend to enhance the well-being and quality of life of beneficiaries for: Animal Assisted Activities - a playful nature and without pre-defined objectives; Animal Assisted Therapies - structured programs, taking into account the therapeutic goals; Education and Animal Assisted Reading - performing projects suitable for various syllabuses.

We intend to carry out two projects for Animal Assisted Therapy with two charities that house and protect children and young people at risk that are intended to urgent care and children at risk, due to abandonment, abuse, neglect or other factors, creating conditions for the definition of the project life of each child / young person:

Associação A Casa do Caminho (Oporto) – we intend to carry out a project for Animal Assisted Therapy with the duration of 10 months and weekly sessions. We know the reality of the association and had conducted Animal Assisted Activities with a group of children. We recognize and believe in the work of Casa do Caminho and met the needs of their children and youths. Through the Animal Assisted Therapy sessions, we intend to increase self-esteem and help overcome certain living conditions, providing moments of relaxation, joy and love that help us achieve the therapeutic goals set for the project.

Casa da Alameda (Lisbon) - the aim is to provide psychotherapeutic care for two at-risk youth residing in the house through the Animal Assisted Therapies. These two young men have been flagged by the institution itself as the most urgent cases. These are young people who are in great emotional distress, life stories with very complicated events and psychopathology, lacking the imposition of any emotional resources to treat these young people. The project duration is 10 months and the frequency is weekly.

Through PPL, we get to make mental health more accessible to those who can not afford but desperately need, through a technique highly innovative, motivating and with visible results in several countries.

Help us leave these footprints in solidarity!

About the author

The Vinculum Animal team is formed by human and animal health professionals strongly motivated to enhance and promote the relationship between Humans and Animals.

The human team:

Inês Santos Pereira - BA in Psychology has had a long history connected to the animals. In 1993 began training for obedience and agility with their own dogs, and has held several training sessions on behavior and training animals, including specialized training as a professional coach in Spain in 2010. Several years participated in dog shows and was creator of the breeds Siberian Husky and Cocker Spaniel. She began her training in Animal Assisted Interventions in 2006 and participated the first course in Animal Assisted Therapy in Portugal, organized by Fundación Bocalán in 2008. Was representative of the company Canem Therapy, care and education for two years at Porto. Since then she has done numerous projects in the field with diverse populations and institutions.

Itana Cruz - BA in Psychology, MA in Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology, trained in psychotherapy and psychodrama. Completed a postgraduate degree in Neuropsychology intervention and evaluation and neuropsychological rehabilitation. She has worked with different people and different social contexts, since 2002, and in community projects of a social nature. In 2011 joined the team of Animal Assisted Interventions and since then recognized them to combine the two great passions: psychology / psychotherapy and animals! It is the enormous capacity link between animals and people that makes her believe the success of Animal Assisted Interventions. After a fantastic week of learning with Delta Society, she completed the course in Applications of Animal-Assisted Therapy given by this entity.

Margarida Câmara- Veterinary, has been working for several years in a kennel, having become aware of the issue of irresponsible ownership, pet overpopulation and abandonment. Created and developed a municipal project, intervening in raising awareness and educating the public, promoting training and canine education as a way to meet, communicate and respect, strengthening the bond between owner and pet. She participated in numerous activities assisted by animals with group of people with special needs, educational projects and promote reading with children from pre-school and 1st cycle, taking as central focus, the pet. Worked as voluntary in associations of animal welfare and directly supports the clinical and behavioral ownerless animals housed in kennels or in temporary foster care. In 2011 bet on its formation in canine education, socialization of dogs and aggressive dogs.

Maria Queiroz - BA in Psychology, holds a postgraduate degree in Criminal Forensic Psychological Examination. She worked with children and young people institutionalized and with adults in private practice, having also performed psychological evaluations to children in processes of allocating parental responsibility. Alongside her clinical work, she worked as a trainer for various private sector entities and the public. Working with dogs for 10 years in animal welfare associations is currently the executive director of Animais de Rua Association. Saw, in Animal Assisted Interventions, the possibility to combine two great passions: psychology and animals. She started working for Animal Assisted Therapy in 2008, in Porto, after getting the title of Technician in Animal Assisted Therapy by Fundación Bocalán. In 2010 began her formal training in dog training, to better understand these animals and to prepare therapy and assistance dogs . She coordinated, for 2 years, a local team of Canem Therapy, Care and Education. Her main objective: greater investment in training to increase skills and get foster human-animal relationship, so there is increasingly more respect and better communication between species.

Mariana Cúria - BA in Psychology, completing dissertation under the Master of Clinical Psychology, worked with prisoners and drug addicts in prison context, followed adolescents with behavioral disturbances in school context. Minister formations in the area of stress management, motivation and leadership in the business context. As a strong protectress of the rights and animal welfare, works with protection associations since adolescence as a volunteer and founded the Got Food? movement that organizes fundraising events for the animals. She is currently responsible for managing the Pata Vermelha Association Pharmacy. Always dreamed to reconcile the clinical practice with working with animals and Animal Assisted Interventions complement her educational and professional background. Since joining the Vinculum Animal team, performs several therapy sessions and activities assisted by animals with children and institutionalized elderly population.

Silvia Sousa - BA in Psychology, working in the field of Animal Assisted Interventions since 2010. She worked with youth and adults with mental retardation in institutional context, accompanied with youth socio-economic problems and conduct in school context, and also adults and children in the private practive. Simultaneously, she also works as a trainer in the behavioral area, having taught various training of Motivation and Team Management, Time Management and Stress. Has always recognized the potential of animals in therapeutic intervention, as well as the obvious benefits for patients, now combining their academic knowledge with the practice of Animal Assisted Therapy. Believes that these interventions are still a new path and shown to have huge potential. The patient benefits translate into improved physical, emotional, social and mental health.

Sofia Arroube - Degree in Veterinary Medicine, early realized the numerous behavioral problems associated with pets and owners inability to deal with them. The breaking of the bond between the owner and the dog creates difficulty in inserting the animal in human families and society and often contributes to the abandonment thereof. Thus, considering the area of animal behavior and training essential. It has made several formations in the area of education and training canine using the method of positive reinforcement. In 2010 she graduated as canine educator, and currently, has clicker training at level 2, the CAP method, evaluated and developed, by Learning About Dogs in England. She is currently an canine educator and trainer in Evora and makes animal behavior consultations in Lisbon and Évora. Animal Assisted Interventions are also a passion and was representative of the company Canem Therapy, Care and Education in Lisbon, for 1 year.

Our dogs:

Bauer - Born in 14/10/2011. It's a Golden Retriever that is being educated and trained to become a therapy dog and has shown very promising. His character is exemplary, with a watchful eye and a magnificent learning ability. Very sociable, loves to play with people and other animals.

Cusca - No breed, born in 21.03.2010, was adopted by the Oporto team. Since then, has shown excellent empathic capacities, as well as an enormous capacity to learn. Very friendly, loves people, especially children, demonstrating his own happiness.

Petra – A Labrador Retriever is a veteran in Animal Assisted Interventions, born in 06.05.2005. Having already worked in different contexts, always showed an excellent ability to adapt. A very quiet dog who smile easily wins for its sweetness.

Suri - is the latest addition to the team, a Golden Retriever and applied devoted being trained to become a therapy dog. Very sweet and playful, her look, sweet and happy makes us believe in the great added value of their participation in the Animal Assisted Interventions.

Trevo - a Golden Retriever, young adult, born in 12.04.2009. It shines by its nature energetic and happy. It is extremely sociable and sweet and great to work with children. He has participated in several Animal Assisted Activities and Therapy projects with seniors, disabled adults and children.

Budget and due dates


Sat, 04/05/2024 - 12:34


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Campaign launched


27 members of the PPL community
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  • 17
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