All is Vanity - Making a record to support community dinners for homeless people

All is Vanity - Making a record to support community dinners for homeless people

All is Vanity (Tudo é Vaidade) is the name under which this group exists. In 2011, me and many friends got together to record an album with the purpose of financing food stamps ...

  • 2308


    115% of 2 000€

    71 backers

  • 16/04/2013

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

All is Vanity (Tudo é Vaidade) is the name under which this group exists. In 2011, me and many friends got together to record an album with the purpose of financing food stamps ...

All is Vanity (Tudo é Vaidade) is the name under which this group exists. In 2011, me and many friends got together to record an album with the purpose of financing food stamps for children in Rabo de Peixe (Azores) who only had access to one meal a day. We managed to raise over 6500€ that were fully used in meals and a small part in filming a documentary (available soon at Today we have 52 children being supported by the Rabo de Peixe Social Project. 

It is important to stress that we don’t manage the use of raised funds. We just get together to raise as much money as possible to help projects that already exist. And that’s exactly what we want to do in this second Tudo é Vaidade album.

We now wish to support the community dinners for homeless people organized by Serve The City Lisboa. The best way to understand what these dinners are all about is to attend one. However, you can get a pretty clear picture from these two vídeos:

Serve the City Vídeo

Volunteers Video 

The purpose of these dinners is to offer an appropriate meal, served by volunteers, giving way to a paradigm change in the way we relate with each other.For two hours, everyone at the table is equal and shares problems, joys, anxieties, victories…together with a meal.With these dinners we hope to help all who desire to get back on their feet and restoring their lives.For more information, visit

About the album

Its premise is a very simple one: all profit goes directly to financing dinners. At the moment, and thanks to the generosity of many, the recording is fully paid for. However, we still lack the money to make the physical copies. And that’s why we’re here. All funds raised through this crowdfunding will go to make 1001 copies of the album. All profit will then go straight to Serve The City Lisboa.

Song of a new Album

Songs of Old Album 

Why not make a digital album instead?

Because we believe that the album, as a piece of work where we give all we’ve got, is valuable.That songs are more than a hobby, that they can make a differece to whoever is listening.That is why we believe it’s worth it to build something with them.Share them.Encourage everyone to buy at least a copy to offer to someone else.Because both All is Vanity and the Community Dinners have, in their DNA, the values of sharing and community, and by singing solidarity we can walk together towards the light when everything around goes dark.

About the author

My name is Jónatas.

I am, among many things, someone who believes music plays a transforming role in our lives, beginning by simply listening, allowing our emotions to act on us and also finding ourselves in someone else’s words. That is why I make records. I began at 16 with my band (Os Pontos Negros), and have been doing it until today. I also play with my great friend Samuel Úria and help out in friends’ recordings whenever asked.

But now that we’ve been presented, enough about me.

Budget and due dates

Para pagar a edição de 1001 cópias do CD de originais (que está em fase de pós-produção) são precisos 2000 euros. Cada CD custa 1,35€ a que se junta IVA. No total são precisos 1662,7 euros para financiar as cópias. Os restantes 340 servirão para custear despesas extras com a gravação (afinação do piano, por exemplo) e se sobrar revertem para financiar os jantares comunitários. As cópias serão feitas pela portuguesa STAFF ( E os nossos objectivos são começar a entregar os CDS a quem nos financia em Maio.

Sun, 19/05/2024 - 17:33

Sun, 19/05/2013 - 01:10

Disco enviado aos financiadores

A versão digital do disco já foi enviada a todos os financiadores PPL! Se é financiador deste projecto e não recebeu o disco na caixa de entrada do email que nos deixou, por...

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Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Tue, 09/04/2013 - 12:09


E eis que ultrapassámos os 100%, garantindo o montante necessário para produzir a edição de 1001 discos do "Tudo É Vaidade II". Muito obrigado a todos os que acreditam no va...

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Campaign launched


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  • Ana Silva

    Disco enviado aos financiadores

    A versão digital do disco já foi enviada a todos os financiadores PPL!

    Se é financiador deste projecto e não recebeu o disco na caixa de entrada do email que nos deixou, por favor verifique na caixa de spam. Se, mesmo assim, não recebeu, envie-nos um email para que trataremos do assunto de imediato.

    Hoje é um dia feliz. Obrigado por nos acompanharem.

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  • Ana Silva


    E eis que ultrapassámos os 100%, garantindo o montante necessário para produzir a edição de 1001 discos do "Tudo É Vaidade II".

    Muito obrigado a todos os que acreditam no valor das pessoas, começando nos amigos da "rua", passando por todos os que participam no disco e por aqueles que servem, serviram e servirão nos Jantares Comunitários do Serve The City Lisboa.

    Ainda faltam 8 dias para o final desta campanha, portanto todos os financiadores que queiram ainda adquirir já a sua cópia do disco ainda o podem fazê-lo aqui no PPL. Depois, só esperando pelo lançamento do álbum!

    Mais uma vez, muito obrigado a todos.

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