Carry on with Dogma\12 -  Theater

Carry on with Dogma\12 - Theater

Development of Dogma\12 activities, and the latest will be the replacement of "Three Women Around a Piano."

  • 1390


    38% of 3 600€

    12 backers

  • 17/07/2014

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

Development of Dogma\12 activities, and the latest will be the replacement of "Three Women Around a Piano."

Under the enormous difficulties that are imposed on the pursuit of cultural activities in our country, Dogma\12 is characterized by the will to fight against the Death of Culture by asphyxiation.

Designed and thought by director Castro Guedes, started to be administratively prepared in January 2012 , becoming legally on 17 February 2012, with Nuno Higino and Álvaro Fernandes as well as founding members .

On July 17, 2012, it was publicly premiered in Lisbon, in Comuna theatre, with the play " Three Women Around a Piano ", the first in "Trilogy of Mirrors", followed by "Hotel Bilderberg" in October 2013  in the Trinity
Theatre and in February 2014 in Barraca theatre, where it is foreseen premiering the remaining  "Long is the Night for Waking" (no scheduled date).

The meaning and initial contributions became highly enriched since the formation of a 'hard core' of staff members or contributors, much more work than even cultural activism volunteering enriched in space and he even crucible 'resilience' of who dwells almost daily .

Dogma 12 seeks collaborative financing options in alternative to offensive funding
subsidies to artistic construction, in order to enable the development of their activities, and the latest will be the replacement of the play "Three Women Around a Piano" and the prospect of a broader public and obtaining funds for the construction and opening of new parts fixed public.

Presentation dates planned for the play "Three Women Around a Piano" are 18 , 19 , 20 , 25 , 26 and 27 September; 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18 October. Always at 18.40, in the Barraca theatre (Largo de Santos, Lisbon). Lasting about 110 minutes, single act, without intermission.

Dogma 12 will also present the play "The Banker's Monologue " with debut scheduled for December 12, 2014 at the Portuguese Society of Authors, with career in 2015 every first Monday of the month during 2015 at 18:50 and lasting 50 minutes in one act.

To view the catalog with the counterparts available.

About the author

DOGMA 12 - Studio Dramaturgies Portuguese Language , Nonprofit Cultural Association .

Created by notarial act in the Conservatory of Viana do Castelo, on February 17 de2012, with the founding partners Jorge Augusto de Morais e Castro Guedes (President of the Association, Artistic Director, CC No. 03,007,849 - and hereinafter abbreviated by stage name: Castro Guedes); Nuno
Higino Pereira Cunha  (Chairman of the General Assembly) and Álvaro Sidónio Fernandes.

Directs the project director Castro Guedes: born in Porto in 1954, started the theater activity, as an amateur in 1967 and, as a professional in 1973 .

Matured, however, in Paris, at the Théâtre National de la Colline Play with Jorge Lavelli and Master's degree in Performing Arts from FSCH/UNL .

As a professional actor began working in Seiva Trupe, having created, in late 1977, the TEAR -
Theatre Studio of Realistic Art , CRL, (Porto - Viana -Porto), that was the Artistic Director until the end of 1989; and, cumulatively, the University Theatre of Porto ( 1985/87 ); later, the Theatre Northwest/ Dramatic Center of Viana (1994/1997 in partnership; 2001/2004 in partnership; 2005/2011 solo) and the Casino da Póvoa (1998/2000, with associated responsibilities of the department manager).

As guest director, among others, addressed the Dona Maria II National Theater (1983), Service ACART of Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (1984 and 1993) , House of Comedy (1985), Production Morais  e Castro/Villaret Theater(1986 ), New Group/Open Theater (1988), Cendrev (1989), Production Raul Solnado/Villaret Theater(1990), Trindade Theater (1992).

Total sum more than 100 productions and directed between amateurs and professionals from various branches of the performing arts, nearly 1000 performers .

He was a consultant for theater and dramatic RTP (1990/1994) and author and host of "Journey Through Theatre" (9 episodes) and "Dramazine" (102 episodes).

Was visiting professor and/or monitor seminars at various institutions, namely: School of Theater and Film School of Music and Performing Arts, School of Arts Cooperative Tree, Contemporary Performance Academy, School of Hospitality and Tourism Estoril, Theatre Course in
Franco-Portuguese Institut. In the European Theatre Convention, Catholic University ( Porto Pole ), Université d' Auvergne, Institute for the Study of Languages and Traditions FCSH/UNL and Volunteer Reading the Research Centre for Interactive Technologies at FCSH/UNL.

Author of several dramas (4 published), translator and regular columnist in "Public" and "The Art Between The Letters" and webzines Triplo V and In.Comunidades; among other publications, wrote the weekly "The View" and "Express", "Daily News", "Journal dof News" and "Mealira" magazines, "Seara Nova", "Domínios", "Ensiaio" , "Magazine ADE - Associacin of Directors Escena de España" and "Galician Theatre Magazine". It has also published a theatrical essay ("The Other Side of the Mask").

Was still copywriter at McCann/Erickson and Bates Portugal and creative and strategic director at Boom & Bates.

It was also the Cultural Consultant Primus - Agency for the Development of Metropolitan Area of Porto.

In particular assembly of "Three Women around a Piano", the team consists of Maria Lúcia , Isabel Francisco and Francisca Lima (actresses); Carlos Galvão (Operation Light and Sound, Marketing Consulting), Lídia Simões (Executive Producer), Ana Roque (Counter- Rule and Co - head of digital media), Marta Moura (Logger and Co-head of digital media), Filipa Lourenço (front of House and Co-head of digital media). Diogo Correia, Roberta Costa and Henrique Nande (spelling and direction of commercial art); Cardigos José Bastos (Photography and records); José Carlos Barros (scenographic advice and props); Castro Guedes (text author, director, creator of stage space)

Budget and due dates

Despesas: Recuperação e/ou compras de substituição de elementos cenográficos = 600 euros. Recuperação e/ou compras de guarda-roupa = 100 euros. Compra de adereços de desgaste em cada representação = 150 euros. Aluguer de Espaço para ensaios 1ª fase, fora do local de apresentação = 200 euros. Transporte de matérias do armazenamento para sala de ensaio, da sala de ensaios para local de apresentação e do local de apresentação para o armazenamento = 350 euros. Licenças e visto de representação = 100 euros. Direitos de Autor (SPA, 5% da receita de senhas de presença) = 200 euros. Edição de 1.500 flyers para promoção do Crowdfunding = 120 euros. Edição de 1.200 flyers “teaser” para promoção da peça = 100 euros. Edição de 5.000 flyers para promoção da peça = 250 euros. Edição de 300 cartazes para promoção da peça = 300 euros. Colocação de cartazes e distribuição de flyers (empresa especializada) = 200 euros. Anúncios no Facebook = 100 euros Despesas de deslocação e contactos para captação de públicos = 250 euros Produção de 500 Passaportes/Cartão de Associado = 750 euros Despesas Administrativas (comunicação, material de escritório…) = 100 euros 20% de receita de senhas de presença para o local de apresentação = 800 euros Subsídios de custos pessoais directos (transportes, etc.) para voluntários = 1.000 euros Fotografias, vídeos (tudo em doação feita a Dogma 12) = 0 Cachet simbólico para actrizes e encenador (4 profissionais) = 2.000 euros. “Ofertas” em Crowdfunding (tudo em doação prévia feita a Dogma 12) = 0 5 % a pagar pela receita de Crowdfunding = 180 euros 25 % de receita de senhas de presença =cativar para demais e futuras actividades de Dogma 12 = 1.000 euros TOTAL = 8.850 Receitas Da acção de Crowdfunding = 3.600 euros. Receita de senhas de presença (fora das ofertas no Crowdfunding) = 4.000 euros Receita de 300 passaportes singulares = 750 euros. Receita de 100 passaportes de grupo = 500 euros. TOTAL = 8.850. Prazos 1) Inicio de campanha de Crowdfunding = 24 de Abril de 2014. 2) Início de campanhas publicitáriasdo Crowdfunding = 24 de Abril de 2014. 3) Final de campanha de Crowdfunding = 12 de Julho de 2014. 4) Início e ensaios da peça = 18 de Agosto de 2014. 5) Início da carreira da peça = 18 de Setembro de 2014. 6) Carreira da peça = 3 X semana até 18 de Outubro de 2014. Metas - Atingir, através da peça novos associados e novos espectadores, dos quais se quer como objectivo positivo que transitem para um público fixado para o futuro na ordem de mínimos de 50% muito regulares + 20% regulares + 15% irregular e “perda” de outros 15%. - Confirmar estes mesmos objectivos junto do público pré-existente. - Mobilizar em acção e alargar “público muito próximo” através do alargamento dos GAP (Grupos de Apoiantes dos Públicos), como “plateia crítica” e agentes de apoio e aprofundamento dos propósitos de Dogma 12. - Criar sistemas em rede para difusão e captação de públicos; de sinergias e colaborações em parceria. - Encontrar alternativas semi-profissionais à morte institucional de um teatro não-ligeiro sem apoios institucionais, numa perspectiva estrutural e não na ilusão de ser um aspecto passageiro.

Wed, 15/05/2024 - 17:34


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Campaign launched


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  • jorge castro guedes


    mesmo para quem não se queira especifica ou prioritariamente solidarizar com a finalidade deste crowsfunding, há oportunidades de contrapartidas muito vantajosas.

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12 members of the PPL community
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Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Dogma\12

    21/06/2014 - 21:03

    | Escolho a colecção de figurinos

  • vitor miragaia

    10/06/2014 - 12:23

  • Alberto Miguéis

    04/06/2014 - 18:25

    Quero expressar as minhas congratulações ao vosso grupo pela imaginação e persistência para continuar em Portugal um teatro que não seja controlado pelo Estado.

  • Ana Barros

    04/06/2014 - 12:26

  • Isabel Maria Luciano

    01/06/2014 - 11:03

    Para a cultura e para este projecto em especial, muita força. Pouco a pouco chegaremos mais longe.

  • AFonseca

    29/05/2014 - 10:59

    Força, coragem e confiança

  • Isabel Marques Atalaia

    28/05/2014 - 11:21

  • jorge castro guedes

    28/05/2014 - 10:34

    | Tenho pena de não poder contribuir com mais, mas não podia também deixar de contribuir. Parabéns pela vossa independência.

  • Maria Eduarda Castro

    27/05/2014 - 17:55

  • Diana Almeida

    26/05/2014 - 21:44

  • luis paiva

    26/05/2014 - 20:01

    vamos em frente !

  • helenacarlag

    26/05/2014 - 17:58