Compota, dance, music and image.

Compota, dance, music and image.

The next Compota (Jam) residence takes place 7-13 October in the Carlos Paredes Auditorium at Benfica.

  • 226


    7% of 2 890€

    16 backers

  • 09/10/2013

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

The next Compota (Jam) residence takes place 7-13 October in the Carlos Paredes Auditorium at Benfica.

Compota (Jam) was formed in February 2004 and combine creators from a variety of areas such as dance, music, visual and multimedia arts, dedicated to improvised composition in real time. Consists in an open universe where we gather to experiment with the blending of various art forms. 

More than an artistic project this is a creative space of research and plural communication, allowing interactions of all artistic specialties. The purpose of the project is to encourage young performers, giving them the opportunity to step in a workflow, in artistic context, under purview of senior performers and creators. With the growing acceptance of creators and students and in order to consistently integrate the training component, in September 2012, began Compota Residence editions at Auditório Carlos Paredes in Benfica.

Residence proposal and ultimate goal is to design an original show based on the collaborative work between different artists and performers under the creative direction of Paula Pinto (former leading dancer from Gulbenkian Foundation Ballet, Portugal).

The announcement of call for applications can be found at these links:

In English


Applications can be sent until 8 September.

In each Compota Residence performers and creators, both nacional and international, are accepted as well as graduate students from all art areas such as contemporary dance, theater, music, video, photography, visual arts, contemporary circus and gastronomy. Interns and volunteers to support executive and technical production, public relationships and press are also welcome to the project. Participation is free.

Compota Residence 2013 will be held between 7 and 13 October at Auditório Carlos Paredes in Benfica, Portugal. For 7 days creators and performers will work, design and share in a multi discipliner context. From the subject TRAVESSIA (Crossing) the show will last approximately 60 minutes and the end will culminate in a moment in which audience is invited to interact and participate creatively and spontaneously, enriching the experience of all intervenient.

“There is a time where you have to leave your old clothes behind, they already have the shape of our bodies, and forget out path, that always lead us to the same places. It’s time to cross and if we are not able to do it, we will be forever in the border of ourselves” – Fernando Pessoa (poet)

Performances are scheduled for 11, 12 and 13 October. Shows are based on multidisciplinary improvisation, crossing creativity with artistic merging.

Compota performances are unique and unrepeatable, full of exchange relationships, simplicity and humanism.

About the author

Sentidosilimitados (Unlimited Senses) is a cultural company formed in 2008, by Paula Pinto that exists to promote and add value to the human, cultural and artistic heritage, to take creative action and offer links between communities. Develops activities in which promote Human progress through the creation of multidisciplinary initiatives for all ages.

Sentidos iIlimitados Website 

Paula Pinto

Artistic Direction

Paula is a strong engine of creativity, aiming to promote collaborative work through sentidosilimitados® and concerned about providing new experiences to foster closeness between the different artistic and social communities.

Her dance training began in 1975 with Neilma Williams in Sintra, proceeding studies at Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian and then at Centre de Danse Rossella Highttower in Cannes, France. In 1981 enters the Ballet Gulbenkian where she danced for two decades and was a principal dancer.

Since 2003 Paula develops Compota project combining creators and performers from dance, music, visual and multimedia arts dedicated to improvised composition.

Compota shows had been presented in:

- Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores (SPA)

- Centro de Arte Moderna, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

- Festival Dança in Leiria

- Box Nova do Centro Cultural de Belém

- Festival Dança Contemporânea in Portimão

- Festival Paisagens Urbanas in Algés

- Casa Museu da Fundação Bissaya – Barretto in Coimbra

- Teatro Eunice Munoz in Oeiras

- Armazém 13 in Benfica

And many exhibitions at Teatro do Bairro in Lisbon and at Auditório Carlos Paredes in Benfica.

Compota Constellation – October

Project Team

Paula Pinto – Artistic and Production Direction

João Cunha – Pedagogical Direction

Rita Casaes – Multimedia and Video Coordination

Daniel Rondulha – Video Creation

Bruno Rodrigues – Artistic Direction Assistance

Ângelo Neto and Marisa Braz – Production Assistance

Robert Fuchs – Technical Manager at Auditório Carlos Paredes


Artistic Constellation will be selected by apply and casting


04 experience in performance and artistic improvisation, contemporary dance/ hip hop/ performance/ Biodanza

Theatre and Singing

02 experience in performance and artistic improvisation


02 experience in performance and artistic improvisation/ multi instrumentalist / producer / composer 


01 experience in performance and artistic improvisation: sculptors, painters or graffiters
01 experience in performance and artistic improvisation: vjing, mapping and video capture

Set design and Probs

01 student or professional who works in the area of set design and probs 

Costume design

01 student or professional who works in the area of costume design

Other students and volunteers

01 production assistance

01 communication assistance

01 video and photos capture

01 technical assistance

Budget and due dates

Com a quase supressão de subsídios e apoios às artes do espetáculo e a consequente ausência de trabalho nas profissões criativas, muitos são os que se vêm obrigados a bloquear as suas atividades. É visivel a ausência de estruturas culturais, companhias ou grupos a nível nacional, com uma produção regular e dinâmica que possam acolher estes profissionais. Este é um cenário válido tanto para artistas com carreira já feita como para jovens emergentes que se encontram privados de apresentar e desenvolver o seu trabalho. Com a Compota, os alunos finalistas de escolas superiores e profissionais podem fazer um estágio de primeiro contacto com o mundo laboral em que se querem integrar. A Compota pode representar, a médio/longo prazo, uma plataforma de resposta a estas necessidades, para todos os grupos, podendo até constituir uma fonte de rendimento regular. Por estes motivos, a sentidosilimitados considera essencial preservar a existência um espaço de liberdade criativa como o apresentado pelo conceito Compota: uma plataforma de pesquisa multidisciplinar e de formação, que aposta na inovação e na experimentação das artes, fomentando o aparecimento de novas sinergias, estimula a liberdade e a criação artística, contribui para a divulgação de criadores e intérpretes e coopera para a consolidação de práticas culturais. Procuramos criar, a curto prazo, um programa de apoio que ofereça uma remuneração simbólica mas regular às equipas artísticas, técnicas e de produção que integram o projecto Compota. Em resumo, desejamos contribuir para a diminuição do desemprego no sector artístico-cultural gerando com o nosso projeto, oportunidades e visibilidade para criadores e intérpretes bem como, novos desafios para estudantes e jovens emergentes. Procuramos contribuir a médio e a longo prazo para a criação de postos fixos de trabalho. Para a Residência Compota de Outubro 2013 o valor necessário corresponde a 2.890,00€ a serem utilizados da seguinte forma: • Remuneração simbólica de todos os elementos da equipa artística e técnica, incluindo despesas com deslocações e alimentação: 7 dias X 22 pessoas*; • Despesas com aluguer de equipamento de vídeo e materiais utilizados nos espetáculos como cenografia, adereços e figurinos; • Produção de materiais gráficos. * Número máximo de elementos na equipa Compota

Sat, 04/05/2024 - 11:11


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Campaign launched


16 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 9
    new backers

  • 7
    recurrent backers

  • 0
    anonymous backers

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