Poetry has no bars
PPL Causas

Poetry has no bars

"Poetry has no bars" goes through the Portuguese Prison facilities since 2003, using literature and artistic experimentation to promote self-awareness, personal training and soc...

  • 2504


    100% of 2 500€

    67 backers

  • 03/10/2016

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

"Poetry has no bars" goes through the Portuguese Prison facilities since 2003, using literature and artistic experimentation to promote self-awareness, personal training and social inclusion of inmates.

It has been held since 2003 in partnership with Portuguese Governement Prison Services and has earned the acceptance and the full participation of prisoners.
But why work with this population and not with others, especially at a time of great social emergency like the one we are experiencing?

Studies in various countries point to positive results in this type of intervention. In Portugal, the overcrowding of jails and decreasing resources are limiting the possibility of more similar initiatives carried out by the structure of Prisons.

The moment of reclusion, where someone is serving their sentence and reflectingon the crime he has committed, is a moment of opportunity for change. There is no life imprisonment or death penalty in Portugal, so we should remind that time past in prison is a moment of transition and that all of society stands to gain from the positive transformation of these men and women.

Since 2015, actions are developed by Cultiv -  Association of Ideas for Culture and Citizenship, a non-profit organization that provides social expression to the project, keeping up "O Contador de Histórias" as its main partner.

Is currently being set up a national network that brings together institutions (theater groups, cultural associations, etc.) from all over the country, joining individual volunteers who will assure continuity in these initiatives, building bridges to the outside and allowing that the progress achieved within the prison can be continued, working with organizations of civil society when the sentence is served.

A Poesia não tem grades

About the author

Filipe Lopes is one of the founders of the Group The Storyteller and is dedicated to promoting books and reading for over 20 years.

He performed many hundreds of sessions held in schools and libraries, but beyond that he has always look to democratize access to culture and uses literature as a tool for social integration, working with organizations such as the National Commission for Protection of Children and Young People or the Foundation Gil (where was coordinator of program volunteer ).

He received in 2012 the prize "Smiling in Education" for the work done in this area.

Cultiv - Ideas Association for Culture and Citizenship is a nonprofit organization, directed to social and humanitarian intervention using art and culture as main ways to approach.

Budget and due dates

The current financing is intended to be applied to the period between October 2016 and July 2017, for a set of 30 actions taking place in various parts of the country. The amount requested is about 25% of the total estimated cost of the project at this time and is designed to address essential costs, including:

Travel, accommodation and associated expenses (4875€)

Communication (1500)

Materials (1500)

Hiring experts and trainers (2000)

Commission PPL (125€)

Estimated direct beneficiaries (prisoners): 600

(The shared funding will have a value of about 4.16€ per beneficiary.)

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Public "Thanks"

    Public thanks on the project page

    14 backers

  • Invest with
    10€ or more


    Book "O Lado de Dentro do Lado de Dentro". Shipping costs to Portugal included. This book was published by the project as a way to raise funds for their activities and brings together original texts by Afonso Cruz, Alice Vieira, André Gago, Catarina Fonseca, Cristina Silveira de Carvalho, Delmar Maia Gonçalves, Filipa Leal, Frederico Fezas Vital, Helder Moura Pereira, Inês Fonseca Santos, Joaquim Cardoso Dias, José Mário Silva, José Carlos Barros, Nuno Garcia Lopes, Pedro Paulo Câmara, Richard Zimler, Samuel Pimenta and photos by Duarte Belo and Rowan Schelten.

    35 backers

  • Invest with
    25€ or more


    Project's exclusive T-shirt . Shipping costs to Portugal included.

    22 backers

Sat, 04/05/2024 - 13:33

Tue, 04/10/2016 - 14:24

Muito obrigado!

Muito obrigado a todos! A Poesia não tem grades é um projecto que tem a noção do seu tamanho, que sabe que é apenas um entre vários a dar o seu contributo na formação e integraç...

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Tue, 04/10/2016 - 10:59

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Thu, 15/09/2016 - 11:14


Muito obrigado a todos os que já deram o seu contributo, é muito importante para nós perceber este envolvimento. Queremos agradecer a todos e, independentemente de terem feito u...

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Campaign launched


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  • Filipe Lopes

    Muito obrigado!

    Muito obrigado a todos! A Poesia não tem grades é um projecto que tem a noção do seu tamanho, que sabe que é apenas um entre vários a dar o seu contributo na formação e integração dos reclusos portugueses, mas que também reconhece ter o seu espaço e fazer a sua parte. Tal como cada um de vós que, à medida do que vos foi possível, contribuiu com a sua parte para esta missão.
    Em breve voltaremos com outras indicações mas neste instante queremos dar conta da felicidade de poder contar com o vosso envolvimento neste trabalho. É um contributo financeiro que ajuda a percorrer 25% do caminho que temos para fazer neste próximos meses e é muito importante por isso. Mas mais importante ainda é saber que não estamos sós e que podemos contar com cada um de vós.
    Pedimos agora que nos façam chegar, se ainda não o fizeram ou se contribuíram de forma anónima, as indicações para vos podermos enviar os exemplares de "O lado de dentro do lado de dentro", bem como os dados para emissão de recibo de donativo. Poderão também escolher uma instituição à qual doar a obra, se pretenderem. Pedimos que, para facilitar a logística, nos escrevam para o email apoiar@apoesianaotemgrades.pt indicando como assunto "Recompensa PPL".

    Um enorme abraço solidário

    Filipe Lopes

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  • Filipe Lopes


    Muito obrigado a todos os que já deram o seu contributo, é muito importante para nós perceber este envolvimento. Queremos agradecer a todos e, independentemente de terem feito uma doação anónima ou terem abdicado da recompensa, gostaríamos de poder enviar um exemplar do livro para todos os que doaram mais de 10€. Também poderão optar por indicar uma Biblioteca ou uma escola a que queiram ceder a recompensa. Aguardo por isso as vossas indicações através do email filipe@apoesianaotemgrades.pt.
    Um abraço solidário


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