Got monkeys? | children's book

Got monkeys? | children's book

Got Monkeys? We "Got Monkeys", but it's a secret! If you have them don't use your fingers to pick them up and never put them in your mouth... It's disgusting! A Children's Book ...

  • 833


    104% of 800€

    31 backers

  • 11/03/2016

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Got Monkeys? We "Got Monkeys", but it's a secret! If you have them don't use your fingers to pick them up and never put them in your mouth... It's disgusting! A Children's Book to have fun with!

There are a few things that everyone has, but no one dares to talk about.The monkeys are so dirty, messy, in one word, DISGUSTING! At least that's what mothers tell their children. And it gets worse when we pick them up with our fingers, look at them, rool'm into tiny balls, or even worse when we put them in our mouth. No mother likes to see big fat monkeys. But seriously everyone has monkeys (where I live is the name we give to boogers) so it was about time we taught adults and children to see them with an open mind, and dedicate an entire book, top to end, to this controversial theme.

"Temos Macacos? - Got Monkeys?" is a book to have fun with, where monkey have the lead role climbing, jumping, swinging in some vines, just being naughty, so naughty that they risk everything, leaving their big families behind and explore the world facing the unknown. Read the story of this monkey... And beware, there are monkeys everywhere, even when you don't see them, they can be looking in the tip of your nose!

This book that has yet to become, started just like a monkey, a very small idea inside a mind used to read tons of children's books. That idea came crawling down and slowly getting bigger, and just when it was passing near the nose it pulled a vine that lit the light: it became a bright idea. That light shined bright enough for the hands start drawing and painting. Just before we run out of trees (for many sheets of paper used trying to conceive the monkey) it finally appeared and with it came another and another and another...then came the whole family and the story appeared.

Until now, the road was made between the mind and the hands, and many friends with minds and hands of their own working together to create a path. But there's a step missing in this books completion it still has to jump to new and bright sheets of paper, have a hardcover and become many to visit one thousand homes. It's hard, isn't it?

That's why we now need your minds and hands and most of all your hearts to make this book come to life so you can say in the future that you are a part of this.

Are you ready?

Let's do it!


About the author

Joana Espiñal, author of this book, has a Fine Arts degree.

Since very young she made friendships with papers, pencils and pens.The paints and brushes came later on but filled a very special place in her heart, but it was only, when working with children, that she learned her favourite colour was colourful...

Illustration came later on, hidden inside an already famous watercolour box that spoke with her inner-child.. Together they are inseparable, they discover worlds full of characters dwelling in their own stories they never knew that existed!


Budget and due dates

Stories take their time to make, they go from our minds to our hands and then to the paper, they require love, time and patience and are a very low budget project. Books aren't like that, they are less demanding, almost everything can be made by machines, but machines require electricity, inks and expensive sheets of paper. That's why we need your help!

If we reach the goal of 800€ we will print 500 copies of the book, 40 pages of matte couche paper 130g, soft cover.

If we surpass this goal and reach 1000€ we will print 1000 copies of the book, 40 pages of matte couche paper 130g, soft cover.

If we surpass this goal and reach 1500€ we will print 500 A4 copies of the book, with 8 extra pages of matte couche paper 130g, hard cover.

If we surpass this goal and reach 2000€ we will print 1000 A4 copies of the book, with 8 extra pages of matte couche paper 130g, hard cover.

  • Invest with
    1€ or more

    Support the monkey!

    It doesn't matter how much the monkey needs support to bring it to the paper, and that you may never be forgotten, the will thank you by printing your name in the pages of his book! And, of course you are all invited to participate to the book release!

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    8€ or more

    1 Book "Temos Macacos?"

    A sign copy of the book (Portuguese version + translation sheet)! A must do deal! Free shipping (Portugal)

    12 backers

  • Invest with
    15€ or more

    2 Books "Temos Macacos?"

    If 1 book is good, 2 are better, we could not let pass the opportunity to give 2 books instead of 1 (Portuguese version + translation sheet), because good thinks are to share! Free shipping (Portugal)

    6 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    2+1 Books "Temos Macacos?"

    I think we went nuts on this one... 2+1? Yes, there are those who cannot help and those who can't even afford to own one copy of the book... Here's a solution, you will receive 2 signed books (Portuguese version + translation sheet), and you offer one book to a library of your choice, so those who cannot buy this book can still read it! A great idea wasn't it? Free shipping (Portugal)

    10 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    2+1 Books "Temos Macacos?" + A4 Original Illustration

    You will receive 2 signed books (Portuguese version + translation sheet), and you offer one book to a library of your choice, so those who cannot buy this book can still read it! You'll also receive an original illustration, A4 watercolour painting, with the monkey or any other subject we can agree upon. A perfect two in one! Free shipping (Portugal)

    3 backers

  • Invest with
    150€ or more

    20 Books "Temos Macacos?"

    For classrooms, friends, birthday parties, libraries or someone who really enjoys monkeys we have a very special offer: 20 sign books with special delivery (this value doesn't include travel expenses) and a Book Presentation Session with the author, her friend puppet monkey and Monkey colouring pages for everyone... A big monkey business... Are you up for it?

    1 backer

Sun, 19/05/2024 - 20:26

Wed, 11/05/2016 - 13:16

O livro do Macaco está pronto!

Olá a todos, após uma viagem a Itália, o Macaco voltou transformado num livro e esta pronto para partir para as vossas casas. Enviem-me as vossas moradas para mail.da.lua@gma...

Read more

Tue, 19/04/2016 - 10:16

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


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  • Joana Espiñal

    O livro do Macaco está pronto!

    Olá a todos,
    após uma viagem a Itália, o Macaco voltou transformado num livro e esta pronto para partir para as vossas casas.
    Enviem-me as vossas moradas para e se quiserem o(s) livro(s) com uma pequena dedicatória escrevam também o nome para quem a querem.
    A quem escolheu apoiar o Macaco com um valor que oferecia um livro a uma biblioteca ou escola digam também no e-mail a que biblioteca o querem oferecer, para entrar em contacto com eles.
    A quem~escolheu apoiar o Macaco com um valor que oferecia uma aguarela, digam-me se tem preferencia no tema, espreitem a minha página no facebook, para terem ideias.
    O lançamento oficial do livro ainda não está marcado, mas quando estiver os padrinhos do macaco serão os primeiros a saber!

    Mais uma vez, obrigada a todos.

    Beijinhos e abraços

    Joana Espiñal

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