Book "Visual communications, design and advertising"

Book "Visual communications, design and advertising"

This book is addressed to various public, highlight the students of Communication Sciences and Graphic Design, as well as all who are in the labor market in the area of communic...

  • 1892


    108% of 1 750€

    60 backers

  • 22/09/2014

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

This book is addressed to various public, highlight the students of Communication Sciences and Graphic Design, as well as all who are in the labor market in the area of communication.

I appeal to all of you in order to ask for a small contribution to editing this book, titled "Visual Communication, Design and Advertising" If the requested amount is not reached, all who participate will receive the money back. However, I am very optimistic that we shall obtain the necessary amount.

In the video presentation we get to know all the chapters. For a better understanding of the work and its objectives include some topics, with a brief note on some of the subjects that are treated.



Color is the touch, the eye, the hammer vibrates the soul, the instrument of a thousand strings.

- What is the color and what are their meanings?

 The camera obscura was known in antiquity.

- How the camera obscura works and how photography has evolved?

Brainstorming is a process for the production of ideas.

- How it works and what its importance in the creative process?

A slogan should be short, easy to remember and appealing.

- What is the potential of a slogan?

 An advertising campaign is a complex form of communication.

- How do you define, which involves and what mistakes to avoid?

The traditional printing and digital printing

- What are the advantages and disadvantages in each case?

This book is addressed to all those interested in Visual Communication. Among the various public, highlight the students of Communication Sciences and Graphic Design, as well as all who are in the labor market in the area of communication. Are provided specific content and methodologies to develop or manage, for example, the process of developing a logo, one infographics, poster or an ad campaign; apart from reading about these subjects, exposed simply, provides the possibility to access the contents of general interest.

About the author

Francisco Mesquita was born in 1961 in Vale de VIla, São João da Pesqueira (Douro). He is Graduated in Advertising, by Fernando Pessoa University and later he got a master's and doctoral degrees in the fields of Advertising, Design and Technology, by University of Minho.

Since the mid-90s he divides his activity - in the area of advertising communication - between universities and industry. The author intends with this book to provide an accessible work on Visual Communication, which allows us to understand some image issues.

Budget and due dates

The book is almost to be finalized. In terms of formal structure, the book has 160 pages and many pictures. I am sure that this work is particularly valuable in market. Thanks to all who support monetarily, to which I would be happy to send the corresponding reward. I ask you also to publicize the project by close friends.
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    19 backers

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    Invest with € 15 or more

    I'll Send you an e-mail thanking for supporting the project and I'll put thanks in book.

    6 backers

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    Invest with € 30 or more

    I'll Send you an e-mail thanking for supporting the project and I'll put thanks in book. Also I'll send you an autographed book.

    21 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Invest with € 50 or more

    I'll Send you an e-mail thanking for supporting the project and I'll put thanks in book. Also I'll send you an autographed book and another book with a special text from me.

    7 backers

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    Invest with € 100 or more

    I'll give you all previous rewards and make a thank you at the book launch

    4 backers

Sun, 05/05/2024 - 07:09

Tue, 23/09/2014 - 15:40

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


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  • Carla Pinto

    Tomei a liberdade de também

    Tomei a liberdade de também divulgar o vosso projeto, para ver se todas as campanhas que estão no site conseguem o seu objetivo.

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  • Carla Pinto

    Peço desculpa por estar a

    Peço desculpa por estar a incomodá-la(o), mas a data está a apertar e estou a tentar reunir todos os contatos que ajudaram a Quinta de São Francisco e outros, que também possa ajudar o seguinte projeto em que o fim é até dia 4 de setembro:

    Muito obrigada pela vossa atenção,
    Carla Pinto

    Vá lá! Vamos embora contribuir! Se todos os que já viram, podem contribuir com 1€. O prazo da campanha está a acabar, vamos embora ajudar. Quem já viu, pode ajudar com a parte monetária. Basta só um euro! não é preciso muito mais! Vamos lá! Sejam generosos!

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  • Carla Pinto

    Peço desculpa por estar a

    Peço desculpa por estar a incomodá-la(o), mas a data está a apertar e estou a tentar reunir todos os contatos que ajudaram a Quinta de São Francisco e outros, que também possa ajudar o seguinte projeto em que o fim é até dia 4 de setembro:

    Muito obrigada pela vossa atenção,
    Carla Pinto

    Vá lá! Vamos embora contribuir! Se todos os que já viram, podem contribuir com 1€. O prazo da campanha está a acabar, vamos embora ajudar. Quem já viu, pode ajudar com a parte monetária. Basta só um euro! não é preciso muito mais! Vamos lá! Sejam generosos!

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