Meditações de um Operador de Caixa

Meditações de um Operador de Caixa

The book "Meditações de um Operador de Caixa" is a social criticism book with a humorous character based on creative and ironic chronicles of a sullen and distrustful philosophe...

  • 794


    159% of 500€

    34 backers

  • 05/05/2014

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

The book "Meditações de um Operador de Caixa" is a social criticism book with a humorous character based on creative and ironic chronicles of a sullen and distrustful philosophe...

The book "Meditações de um Operador de Caixa" is a social criticism book with a humorous character based on creative and ironic chronicles of a sullen and distrustful philosopher in a job of cashier, which features guests in the Preface by João Moreira (screenwriter, co -author Bruno Aleixo, co -host of Anti Social), the Afterword, by Ricardo Grácio (musician and philosopher), with cover by communication designer Bruno Azevedo, published by Grácio Editor.

But I need your help to publish it!

The book is completely written, now the challenge is to "materialize it"! For that, I decided to prepare this crowdfunding campaign and raise awareness of this fantastic project. Let's do it!


This is my first book, but some of the chronicles appeared about six years ago in 2007, on the form of a blog with the same name, which after a few months of operation, ceased. In mid-2012 the vision of this book appeared as a combination of stories and themes that were articulated and presented themselves to me as textual floods with distorted ideas of a Machiavellian mind of a Cashier.

What is its purpose?

Its purpose is to narrate the thoughts and misadventures of a Cashier, on a simple attempt to confirm all the prejudices inherent in this occupation and who exercises it. Nothing better than an excerpt of this book, taken from “Chapter 1: Guarantee" to explain this design:

«É de meu entender que Operadores de Caixa como eu, enfiados numa qualquer superfície (num intra-, híper-, super-, ou mega-, -store, -mercado, ou- loja), são discriminados e olhados com desdém como sendo antipáticos, ausentes, planos e ocos. No fundo, uns autómatos que estão apenas ali para receber o dinheiro dos clientes (clientes estes que nunca querem pagar e estão irritante e constantemente a perguntar por descontos, por meio de chalaças e piadolas – algumas delas sem piada nenhuma, dando vontade de este vosso anfitrião pegar neles e arrancar agónica e demoradamente o seu couro cabeludo, capilar a capilar), com um sorriso de orelha a orelha, incapazes de formular um pensamento coerente que não seja apenas a mera verbalização de “como é que pretende pagar” no princípio da transacção, e “voltem sempre”, no final da mesma. Perguntar a um caixa (diminutivo para “Operador de Caixa”) sobre o “sentido da vida” é cometer um sacrilégio, arriscando-se a obter como resposta algo como (numa daquelas vozes robotizadas em que se nota a tentativa desesperada de serem semelhantes à fluência de um discurso normal), “desculpe, mas digitou o código errado”.

Ora, vim aqui, e através deste singelo livro, confirmar precisamente estas noções. Confirmar que nós, caixas, não temos mesmo nada na cabeça; que somos planos que nem uma tábua de engomar; que não temos profundidade suficiente naquilo que pensamos, à excepção das rugas do sorriso orelhudo; e que quando falam connosco algo de estruturado e significativo ouvimos apenas “Moedas moedas notas notas moedas. Moedas, notas notas moedas moedas…notas? Moedas moedas”. »

OK, OK . Seriously, now. What is really its purpose?

Now, the book is, in a way, a metaphor for an atmosphere of alienation, in a circumstance in which the modes of emancipation and personal fulfillment, based on some sort of economic assumptions and acquired academic achievements, resulted in a big and unsatisfactory mess.

It's about the frustration that results from, generally, being required to "make a living", where this means a daily contradiction between having a “decent” life and ability to buy “stuff”, and hate what someone is doing. It is an expression of each and every one of us, or of known people, who exhaust their vitality in a Cashier job, or in any Call Center, cultivating and populating hers imaginary mental life with bloody fighting MFA , having as adversaries their managers or the clients.

Basically, it is about you and I, unhappy, unmotivated and increasingly indifferent, in an atmosphere of personal devaluation, and economic recession and social crisis.

About the author

Luís M. Inácio, I was born in 1979. Graduated in Communication Design and Philosophy, I am an author and conversationalist about ideas. Apart from few essays in the philosophical context, I undertake an independent investigation in the context of the philosophy of mind and systems theory, and I write regularly in the blog “Design da Mente” about ideas, communication, creation and art.

My story begins as the story of many graduates. During my studies I had to embark on the occupation of cashier in order to pay associated costs of daily life and studies. And, like many graduates, due to social constraints, this occupation has become an inherent part of a financial survival.

It was largely due to this context, and to my dissatisfaction with the state of society, and the motivation of the people around me (integrated with my own observation of those areas), which combined my passion for writing, theory, humor and creativity, developing small texts which took the form of a book -- the "Meditações de um Operador de Caixa".

Budget and due dates

A principal despesa é a da edição e impressão digital do livro. O objectivo inicial é da impressão de 200 unidades, 15,5x23 cm, capa plastificada e papel miolo Munken Pocket de 80 gramas, 508 Euros. Neste momento estamos em processo de revisão final do texto e preparativos da capa para podermos ter uma maquete em um mês, e projectamos a impressão definitiva para finais de Fevereiro ou no mês de Março. Para Março está também projectada a elaboração de uma versão em audiolivro (versão condensada).
  • Invest with
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    Acknowledgment inside the book (name).

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    Acknowledgment inside the book (name) + e-book.

    5 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Acknowledgment inside the book (name) + printed book "Meditações de um Operador de Caixa" autographed by the author (delivery costs included to Portugal only).

    23 backers

  • Invest with
    35€ or more

    Acknowledgment inside the book (name) + 2 printed books "Meditações de um Operador de Caixa" autographed by the author (delivery costs included for Portugal only).

    4 backers

  • Invest with
    60€ or more

    Acknowledgment inside the book (name) + 2 printed books "Meditações de um Operador de Caixa" autographed by the author (delivery costs included for Portugal only) + audiobook (soon to be released) + dinner with the author on Release day.

    1 backer

Wed, 15/05/2024 - 17:30

Wed, 14/05/2014 - 23:05

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


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